Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Spring Week 3

Spring Week 3

Friday 22nd January 


 Complete the phonics linked writing sheet for ch, sh, th and ng. Write the words under the picture using the correct letter formation.  

Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence using one or more of the words?  



Watch the 'ng’ episode of Geraldine giraffe to reinforce 'ng'. Below is the link:  

Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence with a 'ng' word (EG. The king can sing.) 

Now sing along with the tricky word song: 

Extra: Watch this clip to practice the new phonemes we have learnt over the last two weeks – ch sh th ng 

*Mrs Fuller has also recorded a quick video on Tapestry if you want to look at that. * 



Starter: Using the number line to 20 that is in your home pack or the numerals to 20 in a row, play the jump one more game. A grown up says any number in the line, you find it and then they say ‘jump on one. Jump forward one and shout out the number. Repeat with other numbers. What is happening every time you jump on one? 

Activity: Visit the White Rose website using the link below. Watch the video clip from Alive in 5, Week 3, Session 2. The focus for this lesson is capacity.   

Follow up: Fill cups with different amounts of liquid. What do you notice? Use the key vocabulary to talk about and compare each cup. (E.g this is more full than that one, this cup has less in in, this is empty)What happens if you change the size of your cup? What do you notice when you use a tall, thin cup or a short, wide cup? 

Challenge: Can you fill 5 different sized containers with water and then explore which one holds the most/ least water. Can you order them from the most capacity to the least? 



Make ‘moon slime’ and talk to your grown about how it feels. What happens when you squish it? What happens if you open your hands? Does it feel wet? Does it feel dry? 

How to make: 

  1. Put 250 g of cornflour and 350 ml of water into a bowl.  
  2. Mix the cornflour and water together until both ingredients are fully blended.  
  3. Finish mixing the slime with your hands to give it a smooth texture.  
  4. Enjoy playing with the different texture.  


Thursday 21st January 


Practise writing words with the 'un’ rhyme, e.g. Sun, bun, fun, pun, nun, using the correct letter formation.  Can you think of anymore? 

Challenge: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words, as well as a Phase 2 tricky word, e.g. Fun in the sun 


Phonics: We are going to learn a new phoneme today. It is the digraph 'ng’. Watch this videoclip:  

Turn to the 'ng' pages in your Phase 3 phonics booklet and practice the action, sound talk and try to blend the words. Challenge: Can you write words with the ‘ng’ sound in words, EG. song, ring, king, sing, long 


Starter: Play high 5’ with a grown up. Your grown-ups hold up a finger for any number 0-5, you hold up the corresponding number that makes 5 and shout out high 5. (E.g adult has 2 fingers, child has 3, come together in a high 5....) Challenge: do this with combinations of number 6 and 7 . 

Activity:  Visit the White Rose website using the link below. Watch the video clip from Alive in 5, Week 3, Session 1. The focus of this lesson is weight.  

Follow up: You are going to practise using the vocabulary – heavy, light, heavier than and lighter than. Ask a grown up to give you a selection of household objects.  Hold 2 objects in your hands and describe what you feel. 

 Challenge: find 5 objects around the house and order them from the heaviest to the lightest. Could you draw a picture symbol to show heavy/ light? 


Exploring 2d shapes. How many 2d shapes can you name? Can you find any examples of these shapes in your house by going on a shape hunt? E.g a clock that is a circle, a door/rectangle that is a window etc. Can you describe each 2d shape – the circle is curvy and has one side, the square has 4 pointy corners and 4 sides, the triangle has 3 pointy corners and 3 sides etc. What is the same about the shapes? What is different? 

Activity: Ask a grown up to cut out a selection of the coloured 2 d shapes that came in your pack. Can you design a spaceship/ rocket out of these shapes? Then talk to a grown up about why you chose the shapes (E.g the circles are for round windows, the roof is pointed so it can fly to the moon? 


Wednesday 20th January 


Practise writing the letters b and d using the correct formation. These are tricky to master and children often get them muddled up. 



We are going to learn the new tricky words ‘me’ and ‘be’. Look for them in your phase 3 booklet and tricky word mat. Say them out loud 5 times and ask a grown up to write them down for you to read. The have a go at writing the new tricky words we have learnt so far – he, she, we, be, me. 

Challenge? Choose one to write in a simple sentence. EG ‘ is it for me’? 

Extra: Play roll and read. You have some sheets in your pack, pick one sheet, roll a dice an see what number comes up. Can you blend and read all the words with that number? 



Starter: Order your card Numicon Number shapes (in packs) from 1 to 10. Explain to your grown up what each shape is and why (there are 3 holes so it is number 3 etc) Count up the line and back again. A grown up then takes 3 shapes away. Can you tell them what is missing and why? (E.g it’s 3 because that is one more than 2 and one less than 4) 

Activity: Using your number formation workbook, practice writing the numerals 0-5.  

Challenge? Can you write a simple sentence about your age? e.g. ‘I am 5’.  



Do you know the names of any planets? Watch this video clip to learn the "Solar System Song".  

Follow up: can you use the internet with a grown up to do some research about the different planets. Can you paint a planet?


Tuesday 19th January 


Practise writing words with the 'og’ rhyme, EG. dog, log, frog, bog, cog using the correct letter formation.  Can you think of anymore? 

Challenge: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words, as well as a Phase 2 tricky word, EG. I am fit in my kit, the dog bit my leg. 



Watch the 'th’ episode of Gerladine giraffe to reinforce 'th'. Below is the link:  . 

Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence with a 'th' word (EG. The stick is thin, this is the thick log.) 

We have a new tricky word to learn, 'we’. Look for it in your Phase 3 booklet and tricky word mat. Can you write this 5 times? Challenge: Can you say it aloud in a sentence? e.g. We like chips. 



We are going to be exploring the number 7. Watch the Numberblock  episode (Series 2, Seven): 

 Challenge: using any 7 household objects or toys, can you split them up into two different groups? What do you have (EG 5 and 2, 3 and 4). The total will always be 7. How many different groups can you make? Encourage your child to use the stem sentence ‘2 and 5 TOGETHER make etc’ for all the combinations. You could repeat the activity on your 10-frame using smaller objects (buttons, coins et) or your coloured counters. 


Other: Story time: 

Watch Miss Towndrow read ‘Aliens love underpants’ again on Tapestry or use this link 

Talk about the story with a grown up. What happened first/next/ at the end? 

Which is your favourite pair of pants and why? Can you design a pair of pants for an alien? 


Monday 18th January 


Practise writing words with the 'it’ rhyme, EG. pit, bit, kit, fit, sit, using the correct letter formation.  Can you think of anymore? 

Challenge: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words, as well as a Phase 2 tricky word, EG. I am fit in my kit, the dog bit my leg. 


Phonics: We are going to learn a new phoneme today. It is the digraph 'th’.  Watch this videoclip: 

The ‘th’ digraph is pronounced in 2 different ways.  

 Turn to the 'th' pages in your Phase 3 phonics booklet and practice the action, sound talk and try to blend the words. Challenge: Can you write words with the ‘th’ sound in, EG. Thin, thick, than, this. 


English/The World: 

Listen to Mrs Fuller read ‘On the Moon’ on Tapestry or watch it on you tube: 

Can you remember the name of the woman astronaut that we have learnt about? (Carol Mae Jemison). In your home packs there is a picture page with different images on. (animals, spaceship, water, craters etcSome you would find on the moon and some on earth. We live on earth. Talk to a grown-up about the difference between the moon and earth. Could animals live on the moon? Why? 

Challenge: cut the pictures out and sort them into two groups. Things you would find on the moon and things you would find on the earth. Talk to a grown up about why you have sorted the pictures that way. Is there anything else you could add?  



Watch this quick video about subatising (being able to say how many are in a set without physically counting) 

Follow up: using your ten frame and coloured counters of ONE colour, ask a grown up to arrange 6 dots in different ways and tell them why it is 6 (e.g there are 3 at the top and 3 at the bottom so that makes 6. There are 5 on the top and 1 on the bottom so that makes 6) 

Activity: Using the red and yellow counters (in your home pack) can you explore the different ways you can make 6 with TWO colours So, you could have 1 yellow and 5 red, 3 yellow and 3 red, 2 red and 4 yellow etc. Can you record these in any way? Remember the stem sentence ‘ _ and _ together make 6’. 


Other: PE: 

Practice throwing and catching with a partner. If you have a ball, great, if not practice with a cuddly toy. Top tips:  

CATCHING: Keep your feet shoulder width apart, have your arms out ready to catch and keep your eyes on the ball / cuddly toy. 

THROWING: Bend your knees as you throw and keep your eyes on where it is going. 

Challenge: Can you take a step back every time you and your partner catch it?