Coldean is a good school with outstanding Personal development and Early years provision. "Pupils are proud to belong to this vibrant, inclusive and happy school. Leaders ensure that the school values of ‘kindness, resilience, trust and pride’ are at the heart of everything they do. Staff are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils work hard, enjoy learning, and take great satisfaction in their achievements." [Ofsted, 2022, Inspection of Coldean Primary School, p.2] |
Coldean was last inspected in December 2022. The full report is available here.
"Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils conduct themselves well. As they grow in this nurturing environment, pupils develop confidence and self-esteem. Pupils feel safe and trust staff to sort out any disagreements. Ifbullying occurs, staff deal with it effectively. Pupils relish the opportunity to enrich their learning, are eager to complete the ‘Coldean 50’ experiences, take on leadership roles, or compete in sporting and inter-house challenges.They benefit from a broad range of clubs that help to foster their interests and talents. Pupils learn about the importance of treating everyone fairly and respectfully. They learn from a range of visitors and take part in activities to celebrate different cultures, faiths and professions. Pupils make positive contributions to the wider community. For example, they created their ownCommonwealth Games baton, which visited every school in the city spreading a message of hope."
"Leaders are passionate about providing the best learning opportunities for pupils, including those with SEND. They have ensured that the curriculum is broad and ambitious. Leaders have identified the important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should learn in each subject. Staff receive regular training to enable them to confidently teach the school curriculum. In some wider subjects such as history and physical education, pupils’ learning and recall of important knowledge is impressive.