British Values
Coldean Primary School’s Golden Values are underpinned by what the current government defines as British Values. Our Golden Values were selected by the pupils through the School Council. They are:
We hold whole-school Assemblies in which we explore and reinforce our school values and offer a chance for all to quietly reflect on how they help to guide our thinking and behaviour. Children are invited to add a leaf to Our Values Tree describing how they have acted on a particular value. |
British Values at Coldean
Our pupils are given many opportunities to hold positions of responsibility and to feel empowered in their school.
- Children are involved in the democratic process annually when electing:
- two class mates as members of School Council (Year 1 – Year 6)
- their House Captain and Vice Captain
- two ‘Good Life’ Reps for the Eco Committee
- Sports Captains
- Bike-It Reps
- Pupils have a chance to express their views through School Council.
- We hold mock elections / referenda to mirror General Elections with each party represented and voted for by all pupils.
- The ‘Good Life’ Reps have the opportunity to attend the annual Eco Conference for Brighton Schools.
- Visits from Brighton Councillors who explain their role.
- Pupils have the opportunity to apply for posts e.g. House Captain, class monitors, peer mentors, playground buddies that involve applications either in the form of persuasive speeches or a written letter/form.
- The children write to politicians about local issues such as traffic around the school gates.
- Children also encouraged and taught how to debate and construct a fair and persuasive argument around topic themes such as animal rights, graffiti, local environmental issues.
The Rule of Law:
Our Golden Values form the core of our moral framework in school. These are consistently reinforced throughout the day as well as through school assemblies and when dealing with pupils’ poor behaviour choices. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us: the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
Our Restorative Approach to poor behaviour choices encourages pupils to reflect on the impact of their actions on others and places the responsibility of finding solutions firmly with them, supported by staff where necessary.
In teaching the Rule of Law we also:
- Arrange visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service etc… to reinforce this message.
- Give our pupils the opportunity to learn the rules of the road and road safety through Pedestrian Training (Years 1 & 3), Scooterability (Year 2) and Bikeability (Year 5 and Year 6)
- Arrange for Year 5 to learn emergency First Aid, so they can learn safety and how to help others during an emergency.
- Ensure all pupils learn about online safety and rules around Internet usage, agreeing to an acceptable use policy.
- Encourage all children to participate in playground games and sport where the rules of games are taught and adhered to.
Individual Liberty:
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. We encourage children to be risk-takers and to be proud of who they want to be whilst also understanding that this should not be to the detriment of others.
We provide boundaries for pupils to make choices through provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our Online Safety and PSHE lessons. Whether it is through choice of challenge; how they record; or participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices:
- Pupils have key roles and responsibilities in the school. These include monitor roles, playground buddies, Assembly organisers, Sports Captains, etc…
- Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
- Our Golden Values are taught and reflected upon.
- In PSHE lessons pupils often reflect on freedoms, choices and questions of responsibility.
- We promote healthy living through themed months/weeks/events e.g. K-a-Day (running one kilometre daily), cycle incentive scheme, intra-school sports events
- We teach pupils about sustainability and environmental concerns through our ‘Good Life’ projects e.g. Eco Schools, Plastic-Free Schools
- The school provides a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.
- Pupil Premium is used to ensure children have access to additional academic support if required.
Mutual respect:
Mutual respect is central to the work we do at Coldean. Our ethos states: “We respect the diversity of our community by accepting and learning from our differences” and through learning together and inspiring each other we develop greater respect for one another.
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, celebrating diversity through our PSHE education, the wider curriculum and the collaborative learning approach that is central to our pedagogy.
We promote respect through:
- Our Restorative Approach Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy.
- Weekly Golden Pupil award.
- Celebrating achievements in House Meetings.
- Public acknowledgement of all awards and achievements of the pupils gained from both inside and outside school activities.
- Our annual Sports Awards Ceremony presented by an inspirational sportsperson.
- Our annual Academic Awards Ceremony.
- Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy.
- Our Pupil Premium Strategy.
- Our Equality Policy.
- Our PSHE curriculum embodies the values of mutual respect, equality and diversity.
- The use of buddy schemes promotes mutual respect between pupils across different phases in school.
- Campaigns to understand and raise money for causes that the children choose.
- Assemblies cover local, national and international events.
- Visits from outside agencies, e.g. Chestnut Tree Charity, Brighton Housing Trust, Save the Children
Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs:
This is achieved through enhancing pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. This is particularly important, as our school population is not as ethnically diverse as nationally. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been followed up and supported by learning opportunities in R.E. and PSHE.
- Pupils study the key faiths of Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism through our RE curriculum.
- Pupils visit places of worship as part of the curriculum e.g. St Mary Magdalen’s Church, Middle Street Synagogue, Medina Mosque.
- We invite leaders and worshippers of various faiths to visit.
- We take part in International project days, weeks or months e.g. World Literacy Day, World Peace Day, Black History Month.
- Assemblies and talks about a variety of religious celebrations both here and abroad.