Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Awards


As a school, we are constantly striving to improve the quality and breadth of the education we provide our pupils, staff, parents/ carers and the wider community.  Below are some of the awards and successes that we have achieved.

We were delighted to be awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in December 2019 in recognition of our work to raise the profile of Science still further within our curriculum.

The programme has:

  • Enabled science subject leaders to develop and articulate a clear intent and aspirational vision for science. 
  • Supported subject leaders to effectively implement an improved  curriculum for science that is informed by research evidence and best practice data.
  • Ensured strong and positive impact: Children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about science and its value to their lives and globally. Teachers and children enjoy their science lessons.


The Sainsbury's School Games Kitemark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver, gold and now platinum levels of the Kitemark.

Over the last few years we have made huge efforts to develop as a school in this area. We have made improvements to the school grounds, trained our teachers to be better P.E teachers and encouraged more and more children to take part in a range of sports.

These efforts have now been rewarded with Coldean Primary School being accredited with a School Games PLATINUM AWARD.

Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion visited to help us raise our Green Flag in November 2013.

In January 2016 Coldean was re-assessed and found to be continuing to uphold the ideals of a Green Flag school!


Coldean Primary has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the ideals of the Bike It project, but with more of the energy and resources coming from within the school and its community. 

In November 2013, Sustrans awarded us the GOLD Award just over three years after starting the project.

We are the first school in Brighton & Hove to achieve GOLD!



Modeshift is a national membership organisation that specialises in active and sustainable travel and provides behaviour change support for those working with children, young people, families, school communities, educational establishments and places of work.

Coldean was one of a few pilot schools in Brighton & Hove to begin the STARS accreditation scheme.

We currently hold Silver Level and are working towards Gold.

On Sunday 10th October 2010 Coldean Primary School was named the 'Argus School of the Year'.  Mrs Terrill and Mr Watson picked up the award with Mr McConnachie at the Theatre Royal as lots of staff and members of the public cheered on!