Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Ethos and Values

Ethos and Values

At Coldean Primary School we are extremely proud of all of the staff’s commitment to ensure that the children within our care receive quality provision. We recognise the importance of educating the whole child, building on their strengths and celebrating individual’s achievements. We have worked hard to create a school community where everyone can be happy, healthy and have a zest for learning.


We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. We respect the diversity of our community by accepting and learning from our differences. The positive relationships between staff (and indeed between staff and children) are fundamental to our success. By working together to promote a sense of self-worth, we encourage self confidence, honesty and individual talents; establishing a sense of belonging and pride in our achievements. We promote fundamental British values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum and our Golden Values.


As a school we are proud to be part of the APLL Partnership of local Brighton and Hove schools. We believe this collective responsibility and collaboration will help to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children in our schools. By working in close partnership with schools in the local community and the city we are able to ensure best practice is shared.


We provide a positive, stimulating and challenging learning environment that is safe and secure. Our learning experiences promote life-long learners through developing inquisitive minds, a joy of discovery and a sense of wonder.


As a community we are always, learning together, inspiring each other.