Learning together, inspiring each other

01273 094911

  2. PE & Sports
  3. PE Timetables

P.E. Timetables

Children are expected to wear school uniform every day, including their PE days. They change in class before they begin their PE sessions, which happen twice a week for all children from Reception to Year 6.  
They will need a named PE bag in school at all times with the following items:

  • White t-shirt
  • Black shorts/leggings
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Tracksuit top and bottoms (only for colder months IF doing PE outside)

Children will not be permitted to take part in PE lessons in their choice of clothes and will need to be wearing the above, no exceptions.

Class teachers have some spare items for children who don't have the correct kit.

As per our uniform policy:

  • Children are not permitted to wear make-up or 'acrylics' (false nails). 
  • Jewellery must not be worn for P.E. If your child is wearing earrings they must remove them or put tape over them. For safety reasons, we are not permitted to remove earrings. Earrings must not be worn into the swimming pool at any time, covered or not.




Wednesdays and Fridays

Year 3/4 - Juniper

Wednesdays and Thursdays

YR Blossom

Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays

Year 3/4 - Emerald

Tuesdays and Thursdays

YR Rose

Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays

Year 3/4 - Jade

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Year 1/2 Primrose

Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 5 Sapphire

Mondays and Fridays

Year 1/2 Sunflower

Tuesdays and Fridays

Year 5 Topaz

Mondays and Fridays

Year 1/2 Buttercup

Mondays and Thursdays

Year 6 Indigo

Mondays and Wednesdays



Year 6 Amethyst

Mondays and Wednesdays