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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk6

Reception Wk6

Friday 15th May

Literacy activity

Practise forming the letters u, v, w, x, y, z.

How many words can you think of that start with each sound?

Try to write these words using your phoneme mat (from your resource pack) or use your phase 2/3 phonics book for guidance. Use the correct letter formation!

Extension: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words. (Silly sentences are fine too!) For   example: The cat is under the van. The zebra is yellow. Etc


Maths – Subitising (seeing a number without counting)

Have a go at subitising by watching the video clip.

Can you say the number you see on the dice without counting?

Follow the link:

Extension: Practise the skill of subitising with two dice by playing a track game such as snakes and ladders with someone in your family.


Other Activity

Collect some sticks or twigs when you next go on a walk. Now make some nature music!

Bang different sticks together.

  • Do they all make the same sound?
  • What makes the sounds higher or lower?
  • Can you bang your sticks against some things in your garden?
  • Can you make a familiar tune such as a nursery rhyme or favourite song?

Thursday 14th May

Literacy activity

Today we are going to look at some more NEW Phase 4 tricky words.

Ask and adult to write down the words some, come, were and there on a piece of paper in lower case letters.

Look at the words and try to read them. If you sound talk them, they will not make sense which is why we need to learn them on their own.

Practise reading each word and then ask an adult to turn them over.

Mix the words up and turn one over. Try and read what the word is. Can you use each word verbally in a sentence? Now have a go at writing each word down and reading them again.

Ask a grown up to stick the Phase 4 tricky words we have learnt so far on pieces of paper/post it notes around the house. Every time you see one, say it out loud.

Maths - name and describe 3D shapes.

Make a collection of 3D shapes from your home, such as a tin of food (cylinder), a ball (sphere), a dice (cube), a cereal packet (cuboid) and an ice cream cone (cone).

Look at the different objects. Can you name which 3D shapes they are?

Make a simple ramp.

Which shapes do you think will be good at rolling? Why?

Which ones will slide?

Which shapes would be good for building a wall /tower with? Why?

Test the shapes by placing them at the top of the ramp.

Can you sort your collection of shapes using the following rules:

  • Shapes that roll
  • Shapes that slide

Why did some shapes roll and other shapes slide?

Other Activity

Have you sung the sock song lately? Why don’t you teach it to your grown-ups and don’t forget to think of lots of different types of sock?

“I like my rainbow socks, I like my rainbow socks, oooo I like my rainbow socks. In goes my toesies, I’m really glad I chose these. Ooo I like my rainbow socks.”

Wednesday 13th May

Literacy activity

Look at the picture on Tapestry ‘Dad’. You can also access it through the website:

Scroll down to find ‘Dad’.

Talk about the picture with your grown up and answer these questions: (No need to write anything down)

  • What is the dad doing?
  • Why is the girl standing behind him?
  • Why is she dragging a kite on the floor?
  • Has she said anything to him? Does he know she’s there?
  • How is she feeling? What is she thinking?
  • Do you think this has happened before? Why/why not?


Maths – 3D shape

Watch the following video clip on BBC Bitesize about solid shapes (3D)

Have a look around your house to see if you can find some objects that are 3D shapes such as a tin of food (cylinder), a ball (sphere), a dice (cube), a cereal packet (cuboid) and an ice cream cone (cone).

Make a collection of your objects. Sort them into groups of the same shape.

  • How many objects do you have with corners?
  • How many round objects do you have?
  • How many have curved sides or edges?


Other Activity

Log onto your ‘Bug Club’ account and find a book to read aloud to a grown-up.(The bug club details were previously sent out on Tapestry or contact us to send you the details) These books will have the phase 3 phonemes and tricky words in that you have been learning.

Tuesday 12th May

Literacy activity

Revise the phase 3 phonemes oi, ear, air, ure and er. How many words can you think of for each one? Write the digraphs, then the words and then have a go at writing a sentence with one of the words for each.

E.g I like to boil eggs, I can hear you, are you sure? etc.

You might also like the short or/air/ure episode of alpha blocks on you tube:

The trigraph ure is particularly tricky so the children might like this clip with Geraldine Giraffe:

Maths - Ten frames flash!

The following video clip will show a selection of ten frame images very quickly. Try to guess the number you see.

The idea is that in the end you won’t need to count the number of things on the frame. The idea is to ‘see’ it, and start to understand that if the ten frame is full it is ten, if it is half-full it is five, if it is full apart from one square it is nine and so on.

Repeat the activity to see if you can get faster at saying the number you see.

Follow the link and have a go:

Other Activity

Can you build a natural landscape in your garden or in a tray using mud, sand or clay? Use natural materials to add hills, tree, villages, rivers etc. Think about where you landscape is and who or what lives there. You might want to add some play people or animals you have. Play with your landscape and have fun!

MONDAY 11th May

Literacy activity

Listen to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk again. There is a different version here:

  • Can you answer these questions by writing down a simple sentence?
  • Who is your favourite character and why? (e.g I like the giant because he is scary.)
  • What is your favourite part of the story? (e.g I like it when Jack steals the hen.)

Don’t forget that your sentences need to start with a capital letter, have finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end.


Maths – Number bonds to 10

Follow the link to watch the Numberblocks episode series 2 Blast Off

Which Numberblock characters paired up together to make 10?

You will need a collection of coloured blocks / building bricks / lego / cubes

(10 bricks of one colour eg blue and 10 bricks of a different colour eg red)

Using the different coloured bricks, build towers of 10 to show the different pairs of Numberblocks that make 10

e.g. 1 and 9 (1 red and 9 blue)

e.g. 2 and 8 (2 red and 8 blue)

How many different ways can you find?

Can you draw your towers on a piece of paper and write the number bond underneath?

e.g. 5 + 5 = 10


Other Activity

Can you design a ‘wanted’ poster for Jack? Jack has stolen the Giant’s golden hen and he wants Jack found. You will need to draw a picture of Jack in the middle. You could include where he was last seen, what the crime is, what he looks like and what the reward will be for finding him.

Last week

Let's see what we got up to ion last week's learning.