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  4. Reception Wk11

Reception Wk11

Friday 26th June

Maths – Time

Today’s activities are based upon the story of ‘Zog’

Can you time how long it takes to for you to complete your dragon flight?

Use a stopwatch to help you.

White Rose Activities Day 5 – Zog (you can access these on Tapestry or the school website)


Thursday 25th June

Maths – Time

Learn about telling the time on the Busy things website: > Reception > Mathematics > Shape Space and Measures >Time > The Clock (Demo 1)

Listen to the demonstration and then have a go at the ‘Time’ activity. You can turn the hands on the clock and talk about the typical activities that happen in a school day. Press the ‘i’ button for more information.


Wednesday 24th June

Maths – Dragon Number stories

Today’s activities are based upon the story of ‘Zog’

Can you count how many dragons there are, how many have gone and how many are left?

Use your ten frames to help you.

White Rose Activities Day 3 – Zog (you can access these on Tapestry or the school website)


Tuesday 23rd June to Friday 26th June 

For the rest of the week,’ literacy’ and ‘other activities’ can be covered by looking at this website: Talk 4 Writing

You need to search for Reception Home School learning unit - Mavis the Magical Cat or download it from here.

There are many suggested activities to dip into this week based upon the story of Mavis. Why don’t you have a go at some. Enjoy! 


Maths – Addition using ten frames

Today’s activities are based upon the story of ‘Zog’

Use your ten frames to find out how many stars Zog has altogether.

White Rose Activities Day 2 – Zog (you can access these on Tapestry or the school website)


MONDAY 22nd June 


Watch Mrs Fuller read ‘Cinderelephant’ on Tapestry or you can watch it on you tube: 

Talk about the story with a grown up. Does Cinderelephant remind you of another book character? What was your favourite part? Which picture do you like best? Who is your favourite character and why? What do you think will happen next? 

Extension: Write a simple sentence about what will happen next. 

Other Activity 

Draw a picture of Cinderelephant. 


Maths – ‘Zog’ - Pattern

Read or watch the story of ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson

You can follow this link on BBCiplayer if you don’t have a copy of the book:

Have a go at the following activities and ideas that are based upon the story of ‘Zog’

Can you spot the pattern & describe it?

White Rose Activities Day 1 – Zog (you can access these on Tapestry or the school website)