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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk5


FRIDAY 8th May

Today is May Bank Holiday. We have this holiday to celebrate May Day. It is an ancient festival of Spring and a current traditional spring holiday across Europe. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities.

This year many people will be celebrating the anniversary of the ending of World War 2 in Europe. It ended 75 years ago today, on 8th May 1945.

Have a lovely weekend.



Today we are going to look at some NEW Phase 4 tricky words.

Ask an adult to write down the words saidsohave and like on a piece of paper in lower case letters. 

Look at the words and try to read them. If you sound talk them, they will not make sense which is why we need to learn them on their own. 

Practise reading each word and then ask an adult to turn them over. Mix the words up and turn one over.

Try and read what the word is. Can you use each word verbally in a sentence? Now have a go at writing each word down and reading them again. 


Maths – Pattern

Make up an action pattern such as clap hands - wiggle fingers – clap hands – wiggle fingers.

This is a two unit of repeat pattern (AB AB AB).

Create your own three unit of repeat pattern (ABC ABC ABC) using actions. You could include some of these actions in your pattern; jumps, claps, stamps, clicking fingers, nodding head.

Can your grown up copy your pattern?


Challenge: can you record your action pattern on paper. You would need to think of different pictures or symbols to represent each action.



Log on to the Busy Things website and follow the link:

Reception > Mathematics > Mathematical Patterns > Line Up


Other Activity 

Can you design/draw a map? You could google ‘simple maps for children’ and some images will come up to inspire you. 

You could make a map of: 

  • Your bedroom 
  • Where your house/street/shops/parks are 
  • A treasure map 
  • A map that includes Jack’s house and the giant’s castle (from Jack and the Beanstalk story) 
  • A Jurassic park dinosaur map 

Use your imagination and enjoy! 



Look at the picture on Tapestry ‘First Flight’. It is of two owls standing on a twig. 

You can also access it through the website:

Scroll down to find ‘First Flight’. 

Talk about the picture with your grown up and answer these questions: (No need to write anything down) 

  • How are the owls related? 
  • Which owl is about to take its first flight? How do you know? 
  • How does the young owl feel about flying? 
  • What might it be thinking?  
  • Is the older owl worried? 
  • What advice might the older owl give to the younger one? 
  • How would you feel if you were the small owl? 


Maths – Money

Can you count some pennies into a jar / container etc. Remember to say one number for each sound (coin)

Shopping Activity

You will need two ten frames and twenty pennies (1p coins)

Make a shop by choosing 4 or 5 objects and making price labels for each item (no more than 10p).

e.g. a carrot – 8p, a teddy - 10p, a toy dinosaur – 5p

Choose two items from the shop to buy.

Place the pennies on the ten frames to help you work out how much the two items will cost altogether.



Other Activity 

Can you build something that flies from Duplo or lego? Or you could use some junk modelling materials from your recycling bin. What is it? How can it fly? Where is it flying to? 



Revise the phase 3 phonemes oo (short as in book)arigh, or, ur and ow.  How many words can you think of for each one? Write the digraphs, then the words and then have a go at writing a sentence with one of the words for each. 

e.g. I like to read books, my car is blue, the beanstalk is high etc. 

You might also like the short oo episode of alpha blocks on you tube:


Maths – Exploring Pattern

For this activity you will need a range of different objects such as lego bricks, shells, pebbles, pasta, sticks.

Create a pattern using two types of object – a two unit of repeat pattern (AB AB)

For example, stick-shell-stick-shell-stick-shell etc

Have a go at a three unit of repeat pattern (ABC ABC)

Describe your pattern to your grown up.

(Identify the unit that is being repeated rather than describing every object in the pattern.)


Follow the link below if you would like to have a go at some interactive patterns. Try Level 1 first and move on to Level 2 if you feel confident.


Other Activity 

Why don’t you have a go at making a simple picture frame? You could use lolly sticks, card, real sticks, wool, string etc. 

Glue 4 lengths of your chosen material into a rectangle shape on a piece of paper or card.

Cut around the rectangle shape and you now have a frame.

You could decorate it or add to string to be able to hang it up. The big question is: what are you going to put in your frame? You could draw a picture or add a favourite photograph. We can’t wait to see your designs! 

MONDAY 4th May


Look at the video clip of Mrs Fuller reading Jack and the Beanstalk on Tapestry or watch this clip on you tube: 

Talk about the story with a grown up and verbally answer these questions. 

  • Why did Jack’s Mother want to sell the cow? 
  • What did Jack get in exchange for the cows? 
  • Why do you think the beans grew? 
  • Why do you think Jack stole the golden hen? 
  • If Jack hadn’t have stolen the hen, what so you think would have happened to him and his Mother? 
  • What do you think might have happened if the giant had come down the beanstalk? 


Maths – Number Bonds to 10 (pairs of numbers that make 10)

For this activity you will need a ten frame and two types of small objects (10 of each) such as 10 pebbles and 10 shells.

Activity - fill your ten frame using the two types of object. For example, you might have 6 shells and 4 pebbles.

6 and 4 together make 10 and 4 and 6 together make 10

How many different ways can you show 10 on the ten frame using the two types of objects?

Can you find all the pairs of numbers that make 10?

Challenge: write all the number bonds down as number sentences eg.

4 + 6 = 10

6 + 4 = 10


Other Activity 

Could you make some simple puppets of the characters from Jack and the beanstalk? You could use lolly sticks, real sticks, tubes, Duplo bricks or just paper. 

Re-tell the story of Jack using your own words... but don’t forget to include the phrase “Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman” 

Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.