Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk4


Friday 1st May 

Literacy activity

Let’s revise all the phase 3 tricky words before we start on phase 4. 

They are: he, she, we, me, be, you, all, are, her, was, they, my, going 

Watch the tricky word song on you tube and join in with reading/singing the words. 

Challenge: Ask a grown up to write the words down on bits of paper and then turn them over. Turn them over, read the tricky word and have a go at ‘quick write’.

Can you write that word down in a simple sentence? e.g. he is sad, we go to the shop, she is mad, you are sad, we all eat, etc. 


Maths activity

Have a look at the BBC Bitesize website and try some of the number activities in ‘Bud’s Number Garden’


Other Activity 

Twig boats. 

Have a go at making a twig boat to float on some water (bath/sink/bowl etc). This website will give you clear instructions:

Or try this: 

You need: Long pieces of grass – you may need to experiment as it needs to be tough, a random selection of twigs broken to similar size, a few fallen flowers, a leaf. 

Then: All you need to do is lay out your grass vertically underneath your twigs (6-8) which are laid horizontally together on top. 

Tightly wrap your grass around the twigs to bring them together – this may take a few attempts. Try to keep your twigs flat and tight together as possible. 

Next take one extra twig and slot it into the bottom of your boat to become your mast. 

Thread a leaf gently by poking the mast through it in two place – this will make the sail. 

Add a few fallen tiny flowers for decoration and that is it! 

Set it afloat in a paddling pool, bathtub or the sink – ENJOY! 

THURSDAY 30th April

Literacy activity

Practice forming the letters p, q, r, s, t, u.

How many words can you think of that start with each sound? Try to write these words using your phoneme mat (from your resource pack) or use your phase 2/3 phonics book for guidance. Use the correct letter formation!  

Challenge: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words. For example: The queen sat on a throne. The tiny rabbit is sad. Etc 


Maths activity

Game: Twenty
You will need blank ten-frames (two per person), a dice, a collection of about 40 small objects (counters / stones / shells etc) 
Rules: Take turns to roll the dice and place that number of objects onto the ten-frames.

Say the total number of objects on the frames.

The winner is the first player to fill all twenty spaces.

REMEMBER to fill the first ten frame before starting the second.

Extension – after each turn you could place the correct numeral card next to the frames.
Challenge – can you also:

  • say the number of objects needed to reach twenty.
  • the exact number must be rolled to win the game.


Other Activity 

Let's explore floating and sinking. Gather a selection of objects that your grown-ups don’t mind getting wet. (suggestions – apples or other fruit/veg, corks, stones, feather, wood, plastic toys, Tupperware, egg cups, bottle tops, coins, a key, shells, gems, buttons, twigs, leaves etc) 

Now make a prediction as to whether the objects will float or sink. You could record this by drawing a time picture of a them and placing a tick or cross by each one. Or come up with your own method. 

Now place each object in a bowl of water or the bath/sink. 

What happened? Was your prediction right? Why do you think some objects floated and some sank? Where there any surprises? How could you record the results? Can you find anymore objects to explore with? 


WEDNESDAY 29th April

Literacy activity

Look at the picture on Tapestry ‘Once Upon a time’. It is of two mice sharing a story. 

You can also access it through the website:

Scroll down to find ‘Bedtime story’. 

Talk about the picture with your grown up and answer these questions: 

  • Whose bedroom is this? 
  • What can you tell about his personality and interests? 
  • How old do you think the boy mouse is? Why? 
  • Which fairy tale do you think they might be reading? 
  • How long do you think they have been reading for? 
  • Do they read every night before bed? 
  • What is your favourite bedtime story? Has this changed over time? 
  • Do you prefer to be read to, to read aloud or read to yourself? Why? 


Maths – Ten Frame Activity

Make a ten frame – you could use this one, draw one on paper or outside with chalk or perhaps try making one using egg boxes or an ice cube tray.

Activity - Match numeral to quantity

For this you will need some number cards or some materials for children to write their own numbers and 10 small objects such as pebbles, lego bricks or shells.

Place an amount of objects on the ten frame

Place the correct number next to the frame.



Activity - Grab two numbers!

This is a good fun way of beginning to add on a ten frame. Have two types of objects in a pile. Take a handful of each and then place them on the ten frame. You might get three pebbles and four shells. How many have you got altogether?


Other Activity 

If you have access to paints and your grown-ups don’t mind – have a go at creating some handprint art. You could just draw around your hands and feet and decorate if you don’t have any paint.  

If you google ‘images for handprint art’ you will get lots of inspiration. How about using your handprints to make a frog/lobster/dinosaur or owl? Or footprints to make into a lion/bumble bee/rabbit? We’d love to see your creations. 

TUESDAY 28th April 

Literacy activity

Revise the Phase 3 vowel phonemes ai, eeighoa and long oo (as in moon). How many words can you think of for each one? Write the phonemes, then the words and then have a go at writing a sentence with one of the words for each. 

e.g. The train went on the track. I like to eat sweets. The moon is high in the sky 


Maths activity – Money

Listen to the story of ‘The Great Pet Sale’


Shopping Activity

You will need a ten frame and ten pennies (1p coins)

Make a shop by choosing 4 or 5 objects and making price labels for them.

All items must cost less than 6p

e.g. an apple = 3p, a doll = 5p, a toy car = 2p

Choose two items from the shop to buy.

Place the pennies on the ten frame to help you work out how much the two items will cost altogether.



Other Activity 

Can you create a mask of your favourite character? You can use any materials you can find and use your imagination. Can you create one for other members of your family? 

MONDAY 27th April 

Literacy activity

Log onto ‘Busy things’. Go to Reception > Understanding the World > The World > Plants > Parts of a plant. 

Read the labels and match them to the correct part of the plant. 

Now have a go at drawing your own plant. Remember to include a flower (or petals), a stem, roots and at least one leaf. Now label your plant. Are there any different words you could add? 

Challenge: Can you write a sentence including any of these words? e.g The roots suck up water. The stem is green.  

There is a fun 3-minute clip on YouTube which talks about the parts of a plant and their purpose. 


Maths - Money

Look at a collection of coins – 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. Talk about their sizes, shape and colour (copper and silver)

Look at the pictures on the faces.

  • Do any coins have numbers on?
  • Can you sort them?
  • What criteria could you use? (colour / size)
  • How many 1p coins are there?
  • How many 2p coins?
  • How many copper coins altogether?

Play a game – Guess the Coin

Take turns to hide one of the coins in your hand / in a box

Describe the coin that you are hiding e.g. It is silver and it is small.

Guess which coin is hidden.

Swap players and repeat.


Watch and join in the ‘5 currant buns’ song


Other Activity 

What vegetables or fruit do you have in your house? Can you name them/name the parts (stalk etc) and then draw a picture of one of them? 

Challenge: Can you find out how your vegetable/fruit grows? For example, above the ground or underground? On a tree or on a plant? Any other facts you can find out? 

Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.