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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk3


Friday 24th April

Literacy activity

Reread or listen to Jasper’s Beanstalk again (see Tuesday below for links). Have a little think about what Jasper might find at the top of his beanstalk if he climbs it.

Eg. Jasper will climb the beanstalk and find a castle. He will find a dragon at the top.

Use this picture to help you - Jasper’s Beanstalk

Extension: Can you write it in a sentence.

You can use your own spellings for words that you are not sure of but try to spell tricky words correctly.


Maths – Ten Frame Activity

Follow the link below and Play this Ten Frame Activity Game


Other Activity

Can you paint/chalk/ draw/ create a collage of Jasper’s beanstalk?

Thursday 23rd April

Literacy activity

How many words can you think of that rhyme with lipbin, pan?

Have a go at writing them down. Which phonemes do you need?

Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence about one of your words? Remember to have finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.


Maths – Sharing Activity

Sam has three rabbits who love eating carrots.

He has 6 carrots to share between them.

How many carrots will each rabbit have?

Draw three rabbits and share out the carrots to check.


Other Activity

Can you make a book out of paper? You could fold the pages or zig zag them or use staples or a hole punch if they are available.

A simple guide to making zig zag books: or

What could you use your book for?

Wednesday 22nd April

Literacy activity

Practice forming the letters k, l, m, n, o. How many words can you think of that start with each sound?

Have a go at writing these words using your phoneme mat (from your resource pack) or use your phase 2/3 phonics book for guidance. Use the correct letter formation!

Extension: Write a simple sentence using one or more of these words. For example: I can fly my kite. The lion is scary.


Maths – Ten Frame Activity

Make a ten frame – you could draw one on paper or outside with chalk or perhaps try making one using egg boxes or an ice cube tray.

Activity - Make a number

Find 5 small objects such as pebbles, lego bricks, shells. Place them on the ten frame. Can you move them around and arrange them in a different way?

Tell your grown up about the different ways that you made 5.

e.g. 2 and 2 and 1 make 5; 1 and 4 make 5


Now try this activity with a different number between 5 and 10.


Other Activity

If you go on a walk near your house, look for any plants or wildflowers that you can pick and collect (check with your grown up first!). You might find some daisies, dandelions or buttercups or small twigs and long grasses. When you get home, wash and place your plants between 2 sheets of paper and flatten them with something heavy. After a couple of days, they should be dry and flat.

Can you create a collage with your finds?

Tuesday 21st April 

Literacy – Jasper’s Beanstalk

Read or listen to the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ by Mick Inkpen. You can access it on you tube:

Or download a PowerPoint of the story here

Answer the following questions:

Who is Jasper?

What is he trying to do?

Why does Jasper throw his bean away?

How long did Jasper wait?

Why is Jasper looking for giants?

What do you think will happen next?

Extension: Write down the days of the week in the order they appear in the story. Try to use the correct letter formation.


Maths – Sharing Activity

Share out 12 biscuits (or something similar) between three of your favourite toys.

How many biscuits does each toy have?

Is this fair?

What would happen if one more toy wanted some biscuits?

Share the biscuits between four toys.

How many do they each have now?


Other Activity

What is your favourite part of the story? Why?

Now draw a picture of Jasper. We would love to see them!? 

Monday 20th April

Literacy – Easter Holiday Writing

Write a sentence (or more!) about your experiences of Easter? You could write about an Easter egg hunt you went on, or if the Easter bunny came to visit. Did you watch any Easter films such as ‘Hop’ or have a special Easter dinner? Did you get any chocolate eggs?

Remember to start with a capital letter, have a finger space between every word and add a full stop at the end. Have a go at your own spellings, using your phoneme mat or phase 3 booklet to help you. We look forward to reading your writing if your grown up can photograph it for us (you could even decorate your writing with some drawings)


Maths – Days of the Week

Practise learning the days of the week. Listen to this song to help you remember them

‘Days of the week’


Other Activity

If you have any paintbrushes or sponges at home, why don’t you have a go at drawing pictures with water on the pavement or on a path. Be quick though as the water will evaporate and disappear. You could even have a go at writing some tricky words.