Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk2


Friday 3rd April 

Literacy activity

Login to "Bug Club". Find one of your allocated books. Can you read it aloud to a grown up? Have a go at reading it on your own.  


Maths Activity

Play a number track board game such as snakes and ladders with a grown up.

Count the spots on the dice

What number have you rolled?

What number have you landed on?


Other Activity 

Can you create a dinosaur or an animal from duplo/ lego or other construction?

Describe it. What is it called? Where does it live? What does it eat?

Now can you make it some friends and family?

Can you draw your creation? 

Thursday 2nd April 

Literacy activity

Play ‘tricky word hunt’. Ask your grown up to write all the phase 3 tricky words down on bits of paper and then hide them around your home or in the garden. Go and look for the word and when you find it shout it out. When you have collected all the words have a go at writing them in a list using the correct letter formation. 


Maths activity

 Follow the link below and Play this "Ten Frame" Activity Game


Other activity 

Log on to ‘Busy Things’. Go to the Reception section and click on ‘Expressive art and design’.

Click on art and select one of the activities.

You could colour in a dinosaur, create a superhero, design a car etc. 

Ask a grown up to photograph it and upload it to Tapestry for us to see. 

Wednesday 1st April 

Literacy activity

How many words can you think of that rhyme with dog?

How about map?

How many that rhyme with fish?

Have a go at writing down as many as you can. Which phonemes do you need?

Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence about one of your words? Remember to have finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end. 


Maths activity

How many numbers can you see around the house?

Can you take a photo of all of the different numbers around the house?

Which number is the biggest?

Which number is the smallest?


Other activity 

Play ‘Kim’s game’. Ask an adult to place about 5 objects on a tray or the table and let you see what they are. (For example, a toy, a pebble, a spoon, some scissors, a toy) 

The adult covers the objects with a tea towel and then carefully removes one.

Look at the tray now. What’s missing? How do you know?

Repeat with different objects and maybe have some more. Now you do the same to your adult. Tell them not to peep! 

Tuesday 31st March 

Literacy activity

Can you write somebody a note or a letter? You could write to somebody in your house or to your teachers. You might tell them what you are doing, how you are feeling or ask them a question. Draw a picture to go with it. 


Maths activity

Follow the link below and play and play the ladybird Spots Game – counting, matching and ordering numbers to 10.


Other activity 

Can you design a house point chart for everybody you live with or even some of your cuddly toys? Add house points when people do some jobs, say kind things, work hard etc. Add them up at the end of the day and then the end of the week. Who is top scorer in your house? Can you write them a top scorer note or draw them a picture.? 

Monday 30th March

Literacy activity

Practise forming the letters f, g, h, i, j . How many words can you think of that start with each sound? Try to write these words using your phoneme mat (from your resource pack) or use your phase 2/3 phonics book for guidance. 

Challenge: Write a simple sentence using one of these words. For example: The frog hopped.  


Maths activity - length

Can you draw around the right foot of everyone in your family, cut them out and put them in order of size?

Who has the biggest foot?

Whose is the smallest?


Other activity 

If it is a sunny day, place some of your toys/ characters on a piece of paper in the garden. Can you draw around the shadow? What has the longest/ shortest/ widest shadow?