Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Reception Week Grid
  4. Reception Wk1



Friday 27th March

Literacy Activity

  • Log into the Busy Things website and enter the Reception area. Look for Literacy section/phonics/alphabet/play letter line up.

Maths activity

  • Find some building bricks or blocks in two different colours. Make a tower using one colour, while your grown up makes a tower in the other colour. Are your towers the same? Which tower used fewer bricks? Which has more?

Other activity

  • Have you got any old comics/ magazines/ cards to cut up? Can you create a collage out of these pieces?

Thursday 26th March

Literacy Activity

  • Can you write down the phase 2 tricky words? Can you think of a sentence that includes each one? Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence using some of these tricky words?

Maths activity

  • Log into the Busy Things website and enter the Reception area. Go to the maths section (Counting). Play the numerical order objects game. The i logo (information) on the left hand side will give you information on how to play/ complete the activity.

Other activity

  • Can you make a model out of any construction? What is it? What is it used for? How could you make it… smaller/ bigger/ longer/ shorter etc?

Wednesday 25th March

Literacy Activity

  • How many words can you think of that rhyme with cat, goat and book. Have a go at writing them down. Which phonemes do you need? Challenge: Can you write a simple sentence about one of your words? Remember to have finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.

Maths activity

  • Can you count out any cuddly toys in your house? How many do you have? What is 1 more, 1 less? Is there anything else you could count?

Other activity

  • Look out of your window. What do you see? Can you see any plants, animals or birds? Can you talk about it, or draw a picture?

Tuesday 24th March

Literacy Activity

  • Write out the first 5 letters of the alphabet. How many words can you think of that start with each sound? Try to write these words using your phoneme mat (from your resource pack) or use your phase 2/3 phonics book for guidance.

Maths Activity

  • Play a number track board game such as snakes and ladders with a grown up. Count the spots on the dice. What number have you rolled and what number have you landed on?

Other Activity

  • Draw a picture of your favourite dinosaur. What type is it? Is it a herbivore or a carnivore? Can you find out any facts about dinosaurs?

Monday 23rd March

Literacy Activity

  • Practise writing your name forming all the letters correctly.
  • Challenge – can you write your family name?

Maths Activity

  • Cut the numbers 0-20 out from your home pack of resources (or get an adult to write them down for you) Get a grown up to mix the numbers up – don’t peek!
  • Can you put them into the correct order?
  • You could ask someone to time you and then see if you can get faster when you try again.

Other Activity

  • Have a go at logging onto Purple Mash and explore the "Mini Mash" area