Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 1 Week Grid
  4. Year 1 Wk2

Year 1

Friday 3rd April

English activity 

It’s time for a fairy tale ball! Draw a picture of all of the fairy tale characters we have learnt about this term having a party. E.g. Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread man, The Three Billy Goats etc…

Write a list of everyone who is invited.

You could also write a list of things needed for the party e.g. balloons, party hats, cake…


Phonics activity 

How many pages from your phonics booklet can you read in 2 minutes? Try again, can you beat your score?


Maths activity 

Counting in 5s

Practise counting in 5s up to 50 and then play the Counting in 5s game on Purple Mash.

You will find this in your 2dos.



Why do Christians celebrate Easter? 

Watch the following short video of the Easter Story.

Is Easter a sad time, happy time or both?

Make an Easter card to send to someone.

Thursday 2nd April

English activity 

This week you have been writing about the characters in your favourite fairy tale film.

What is your favourite part of that film? Write a sentence describing what happens. You could also write a sentence which explains why it is your favourite part.


Phonics activity 

How many pages from your phonics booklet can you read in 2 minutes? Try again, can you beat your score?


Maths activity 

Number bonds to 10

Teach someone at home the number bond song (to the tune of row, row your boat)


9 and 1 are number bonds,

8 and 2 are friends,

7 and 3,

6 and 4,

5 and 5 are twins.


Then play the 2Race number bonds to 10 game on Purple Mash. You will find this in your 2dos.



Go on to busy things and play a coding game.

Busy Things>Year 1>Computing>Early Coding>Helicopter Rescue

Wednesday 1st April

English activity 

Imagine that your favourite film character and their enemy meet! What would they say to each other? Draw speech bubbles and write inside them showing their conversation.


Phonics activity 

How many pages from your phonics booklet can you read in 2 minutes? Try again, can you beat your score?


Maths activity 

Halving numbers

Have a go at completing the sentences below. You could use household objects to help you e.g. cheerios, buttons, dried pasta…

First look to see which number you are halving, count out that number of objects and then share the objects equally into two groups to find one half.


Half of 10 =                             Half of 4   =


Half of 2   =                             Half of 14 =


Half of 18 =                             Half of 8 =


Half of 6   =                             Half of 16 =


Half of 12 =                             Half of 20 =


Design and Technology

Help to prepare a meal today! Cut, peel or grate ingredients safely.

Tuesday 31st March

English activity 

Draw your favourite film character’s enemy! Write a sentence explaining why they are bad. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.


Phonics activity 

How many pages from your phonics booklet can you read in 2 minutes? Try again, can you beat your score?


Maths activity 

Doubling numbers up to 12.

Sing along with the doubles song


Copy and finish these sentences in your book:


Double 1 is                                           Double 7 is


Double 2 is                                           Double 8 is


Double 3 is                                           Double 9 is


Double 4 is                                           Double 10 is


Double 5 is                                           Double 11 is


Double 6 is                                           Double 12 is




Make some Easter themed decorations. E.g. decorate an Easter tree, paint an egg…

Monday 30th March

English activity 

This week’s theme is ‘Fairy tales in film!’

Watch your favourite fairy tale adventure film e.g. Frozen, Aladdin, Peter Pan…

Draw a picture of your favourite character from the film. Write a sentence explaining why you like them. Check that your sentence has a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.


Phonics activity 

How many pages from your phonics booklet can you read in 2 minutes? Try again, can you beat your score?


Maths activity 

Number bonds to 10!

Write the number sentences below into your book complete with the missing number:

3   + __ = 10


__ + 5   = 10


0   + __ = 10


__ + 9   = 10


6   + __ = 10

__ + 2   = 10


10   - __ = 8


10   - 3   = __


10   - 9   = __


10 - __ = 5


Science activity 

The Human Body

Watch the bbc clip below and find out about the human body.

Have a go at labelling the human body on busy things:

Busy things>year 1>science> the human body>parts of the body 1 and 2



Continue with the Joe Wicks workouts or have a daily dance party – put on some of your favourite tunes and dance along! You could even make up your own dance routine