Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 1 Week Grid
  4. Year 1 Wk1

Year 1


Friday 27th March

English activity

Remind yourself of the story of The Three Billy Goats Fluff.

Write a thank you note to the goats from the troll.


Phonics activity

Read 3 pages of your phonics booklet.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with one of the words?


Maths activity

Counting in tens.

Practise counting in tens and then play the Counting in 10s game on Purple Mash.

You will find this in your 2dos.


PSHE activity

What makes you happy at home?

Talk to an adult about the things that make you feel calm and happy at home. You could draw a picture of the things that make you feel happy.

Remember to do these things if you start to feel fizzy, sad or angry at home.

Thursday 26th March

English activity

Listen to the story of the Three Billy Goats Fluff and then answer these questions in your jotter.

What was the problem with the troll’s home?

How do you think the troll was feeling at the beginning of the story?

What did the goats do to get across the bridge safely?

Do you think the troll is good or bad?


Phonics activity

Read 3 pages of your phonics booklet.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with one of the words?


Maths activity

Counting in twos.

Practise counting in twos. Then play the counting in twos snake game on Purple Mash.

You will find this in your 2dos.


Computing activity

Go on to Busy Things and play a coding game.

Busy Things > Year 1 > Computing > Early Coding > Block-a-doodle-doo

Wednesday 25th March

English activity

The troll is lonely in his new home.

Design a friend for him. Draw a picture of his friend in your jotter and write some sentences to describe him/her.


Phonics activity

Read 3 pages of your phonics booklet.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with one of the words?


Maths activity

Counting in twos.

Practise counting in twos. Then play the counting in twos missing number game on Purple Mash. You will find this in your 2Dos.


Geography activity

Go on Google maps. Can you find England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? Can you find Brighton?

Challenge: What other places can you see?

Tuesday 24th March

English activity

Using adjectives

The troll has gone missing! Create a wanted poster to help find him.

You could set it out like this.


Phonics activity

Read 3 pages of your phonics booklet.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with one of the words?


Maths activity

Counting to 100

Practise counting to 100 forward and backwards. You could count objects or actions!

One more and one less

Play the one more and one less games on Purple Mash. You will find these in your 2Dos.


Art activity

Make a troll. This could be a drawing, painting, playdough model, junk model or anything you like!

Monday 23rd March

English activity

Using adjectives

Write a list of adjectives to describe the troll from the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Do this in your jotter.

Use your phonics sounds to help you spell.

Phonics activity

Read 3 pages of your phonics booklet.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence using one of the words?


Maths activity

Counting to 100

Practise counting to 100 forward and backwards. You could count objects or actions!

One more and one less

Play a Rollercoaster More or Less? on Busy things.

Busy Things > Year 1 > Mathematics > Number and Place Value > Rollercoaster – More or Less?


Science activity

Sorting types of animals

You can revise your knowledge of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles using the Classes of Vertebrates activity on Busy Things.

Busy Things > Year 1 > Science > Classes of Vertebrates.

Challenge: Can you name some other animals that go in these categories?

P.E. activity

Try a Joe Wicks workout!