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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 2 Week Grid
  4. Year 2 Wk8

Year 2 Wk8

Friday 22/05/2020

English activity

Today you are going to work on using exclamation marks!

Click here to go to BBC Bitesize for this lesson.

See if you can try all 4 of the activities. Good luck!


Maths activity

Try the Friday challenge! Click on the link and open Summer Term - week 6 (w/c 1st June)


Art activity

Collect some leaves from your garden or when you next go on a walk and make a beautiful butterfly using traditional Japanese Leaf Art. This film will give you some inspiration.



Thursday 21/05/2020

English activity

Mr Grinling has to go to work at the lighthouse come rain or shine. Can you write about the clothes he would need to take with him on a rainy day? You could also draw a picture of them and write descriptive labels. You could do this in your jotter or here on Purple Mash


Maths activity - Odd and Even.

Click on the link below and open Summer Term - week 6 (w/c 1st June) and watch Lesson 4 – you need your sound on.

Next, open the activity sheet here: Y2 S6 Lesson 4.

If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.

Answers here


Geography activity

Ahoy, pirate!

Are you ready for an adventure? Hop on Captain Carrot’s ship and explore the world with the Pirate Bunnies! You can earn treasure by completing these quests:

  • discover the seven continents on the map
  • find the world’s five oceans
  • sail your ship north, east, south and west to get to the treasure
  • spot the features of different seasons
  • experiment with different weather features
  • explore the United Kingdom

Click on the link below to play!



Wednesday 20/05/2020

English activity

Can you design a packed lunch for Mr Grinling to take for his day’s work at the lighthouse? Try to use your imagination to create some unusual picnic items for him, such as: squid sausages or seashell crunchy crisps!


Maths activity - Make equal groups (grouping)

Click on the link below and open Summer Term - week 6 (w/c 1st June) and watch Lesson 3 – you need your sound on.

Next, open the activity sheet here: Y2 S6 Lesson 3.

If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.

Answers here


Design & Technology Activity

Can you use some recycled objects from your home to make your own lighthouse?

You could use old kitchen roll tubes or used pringle cans etc.




Tuesday 19/05/2020

English activity

Draw a picture of Mr & Mrs Grinling’s home. Can you describe their home? Where is it? What can you see when you look out of the window? Why is Mr Grinling’s job important? You could also draw a picture of where Mr Grinling works and write some noun phrases to describe it.


 Maths activity - Make equal groups (sharing)

Click on the link below and open Summer Term - week 6 (w/c 1st June) and watch Lesson 2 – you need your sound on.

Next, open the activity sheet here: Y2 S6 Lesson 2.

If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.

Answers here


History activity

Watch this video to find out about Grace Darling.

Can you write about why she became well known?

You could use this magazine article on Purple Mash to write about her life.



Monday 01/06/2020

English activity


This week we are going to be looking at lighthouses. We’ll start with the story The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage.

Click this link to listen to the story BUT stop at this picture and try not to take a sneak peek!

Can you make a prediction about what you think Mrs Grinling’s plan will be? You could draw a picture in your jotter and write about the plan. Try to use some ambitious vocabulary to describe what you think might happen. You could then listen to the rest of the story to find out what her plan involved!


Maths activity

10 Times Table

Click on the link below and open Summer Term - week 6 (w/c 1st June) and watch Lesson 1 – you need your sound on.

Next, open the activity sheet here: Y2 S6 Lesson 1.

If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.

Answers here


Topic Activity

Use the link below to learn about lighthouses.

In your jotters answer the following questions.

1)What is the main feature of a lighthouse?

2) How are modern day lighthouses operated?

3) What did the earliest lighthouses use as a source of light?

4) What else do lighthouses do to warn ships when the weather is bad?


What have Year 2 been up to recently?