Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 2 Week Grid
  4. Year 2 Wk5

Year 2

FRIDAY 8th May

Today is May Bank Holiday. We have this holiday to celebrate May Day. It is an ancient festival of Spring and a current traditional spring holiday across Europe. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities.

This year many people will be celebrating the anniversary of the ending of World War 2 in Europe. It ended 75 years ago today, on 8th May 1945.

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 7th May 

English activity

Go to this lesson about question marks on BBC Bitesize:

Do Activity 1 – writing a question in your jotter that you would like to ask each of the children in The Magic Faraway Tree.

You could: Also do Activity 2 – write a diary entry about your visit to the tree. Don’t forget to add some questions!


Maths activity

This week we are following lessons on White Rose Maths.

Click on the link and open Summer Term - week 3 (w/c 4th May) and watch Lesson 4 – you need your sound on. Next, open the activity sheet. If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.


Geography Activity

This week we are learning about Compass Points or (cardinal directions). The four cardinal directions are north (N), south (S), east(E) and west(W). Watch this clip to learn more about them and how to remember them!

You could ask a grown up to show you how the compass works on their phone. Together, you can find which way is North, South, East and West in your home! Do you know (or can you find out) from which direction the sun rises in the morning? Which direction does it set in?

Wednesday 6th May

English activity

You might want to rewatch and listen to the story of Dougal the Deep Sea Diver by Simon Bertram -

Look at this picture of what Dougal saw in Atlantis. Try answering these questions, use your imagination where you can and don’t forget those noun-phrases!

  • What can you see?
  • Who do you think lives here?
  • Is it hot or cold here?
  • Can you describe what the buildings are like?
  • Are there people? What about other creatures? How are they moving?
  • How would you feel about being here if you were Dougal?


Maths activity

This week we are following lessons on White Rose Maths.

Click on the link and open Summer Term - week 3 (w/c 4th May) and watch Lesson 3 – you need your sound on. Next, open the activity sheet. If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.


Art activity

Can you create your own lost city of Atlantis using lego/construction or recycled objects from your home? You could use objects such as used egg boxes, milk cartons and kitchen roll tubes etc. You could take a photo and stick it in your jotter.

Tuesday 5th May

English activity

Watch and listen to the story of Dougal the Deep Sea Diver by Simon Bertram -

Imagine you are Dougal, can you write a diary entry about a day of your life under the sea? Remember to start with Dear Diary and try to use time to describe your day like Dougal does e.g.

7:00am – Woke up really excited about what I would see today.

7:15am – had toast with kippers to set me up ready for an adventure!

7:45am – pulled myself carefully into my underwater equipment. I wonder what I’ll see today?


Maths activity

This week we are following lessons on White Rose Maths.

Click on the link and open Summer Term - week 3 (w/c 4th May) and watch Lesson 2 – you need your sound on. Next, open the activity sheet. If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.


History activity

Click the link below and read about the lost city of Atlantis.

In your jotters draw your own City of Atlantis.

Think about how Plato described it.

When you have finished:

Consider all of the facts you have learned.

Decide your opinion - is Atlantis real or not?

Explain why you think this, using connectives 'because', 'so', 'but'

‘I think that Atlantis was real because....’ or ‘I do not think Atlantis was real because...’

MONDAY 4th May

English activity

Grammar warm up:

  • List all of the verbs you can think of related to this picture (e.g. splashing, swimming, watching…).
  • Now put them into a sentence. Begin your sentence with the verb. Will you need to use any additional punctuation?
  • What sea creatures can you see?
  • What’s happening here?
  • Who is the girl?
  • How did she get here?
  • What is the octopus doing? Is it taking her somewhere? Where? Why?
  • How does the girl feel?
  • What is the shark going to do?
  • What about the small fish nearby?
  • Where do you think this is?
  • Does this picture remind you of any stories you’ve read or films you’ve seen?


Maths activity

This week we are going to follow lessons on White Rose Maths.

Click on the link and open Summer Term - week 3 (w/c 4th May) and watch Lesson 1 – you need your sound on.

Next, open the activity sheet. If you can print this at home, great, if not write the answers in your jotter as best you can.


PSHE activity

This week we are thinking about ‘being kind’. Watch this video of Todd Parr reading one of his books.

In your jotters can you draw and write about two ways of being kind.

I can be kind to my friends by…..

I can be kind to my family by….

Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.