Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 2 Week Grid
  4. Year 2 Wk3

Year 2

Friday 24/04/2020

English activity

Avast me maties – it's Talk-like-a-pirate Day!

Draw a picture of a pirate in your jotter and add some speech bubbles using pirate phrases!

You might get some ideas here.


Maths activity - Measures

Have a look at some of the packets of food in your fridge/cupboard.

Can you find 5 things that are measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg)?

Remember: 1000g = 1kg

Draw them in your jotter and write down how much they weigh.

Challenge: Order the objects from smallest amount to largest amount.


Geography activity  

Look at the picture you drew of your beach trip yesterday. Now divide the next page in your jotter into two columns. Label one column Physical and one column Human.

Can you write all the things you saw on the beach in the correct column?

Read the descriptions below to help you.

What are some examples of physical features? Physical features include: rivers, oceans, plains, hills, mountains, canyons, lakes, buttes, and mesas.

What is meant by human features?

Human geography relates only to the human environment; something that is built by humans and would not have existed in nature without humans. Features include anything from a house to a city, and all the related infrastructure such as roads, rail, canals etc

Thursday 23/04/2020

English activity

Use your jotter to write about the following questions.

  • How do you know that this man is a pirate?
  • What might his name be? Why?
  • What kind of pirate do you think he is? Is he feared by other pirates?
  • What is he afraid of?
  • How did he lose his leg?
  • Why is he pointing? What is he saying?

Maths activity - Measures

Can you find a simple recipe for cakes/biscuits that uses grams? Can you bake the cakes with an adult and weigh the ingredients yourself? You could make them pirate cakes!

Or, if you cannot do baking, write your own recipe for pirate cakes – make up some silly ingredients! Draw a picture of your cake.


Geography activity

Think of a time when you visited the beach. It could have been Brighton beach or perhaps you visited a different beach. Can you draw a picture and label all the different things you saw? E.g pebbles, cliffs, shells, boats, beach huts etc.

Think very carefully at all the different things you can find on and surrounding the beach.


Wednesday 22/04/2020

English activity

Can you find some new facts about pirates? Use your jotter to explain the new facts you have found. Here are a few examples of how you could present your ideas.


Maths activity - Position and direction

Can you direct the parrot to the treasure?

Write down your instructions in your jotter

Flamingo: you could blindfold member of your family and direct them to some treasure - remember to use correct maths language like forwards, backwards, left, right, turn, clockwise, anticlockwise.

Art activity

Can you make a pirate or parrot out of a toilet roll/kitchen towel tube? You could use pens to draw on the features or if you have glue and other materials then feel free to use these too! If you want you can take a photo to stick in your jotter or you can draw a picture of your creation!



Tuesday 21/04/2020

English activity

Can you use an expanded noun phrase to describe a pirate? You could either draw a picture in your jotter and use expanded noun phrases to describe them or you could use this Purple Mash link to find pictures of pirates and add some phrases

Think about describing their character e.g. she is a powerful, strong pirate who steals treasure to help poor people.

Maths activity - Position and direction

Use these links to find out how to give directions and make turns.

Can you direct your teddy to find some pirate treasure?

For example: Move three steps forward, make a clockwise quarter turn, move two steps forward, pick up the treasure!

Challenge: you could write down your instructions in your jotter and draw a picture of teddy’s route.


Design & Technology activity

Can you design a pirate flag? Think about what would be special about your pirate flag, for example if you like playing a sport could you use that symbol in your flag? What about if you like cooking or writing? Use pictures to show your pirate personality.


Monday 20/04/2020 

English activity 

Our new topic is "Beautiful Briny". 

We’re going to start with Pirates!  Can you tell us what you know about pirates so far?   

You can use this link to Purple Mash   or you could write in your jotter what you know. 

Maths activity

Pirate problem solving

Can you show your answers and your workings in your jotter?



PSHE activity

This week in PSHE we are thinking about our families and different types of families. Watch this video of Todd Parr’s ‘The Family Book’.  

All the pictures in the book are families and families come in all different shapes and sizes. In your jotter can you draw and label a picture of your family?