Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 3 Week Grid
  4. Year 3 Wk11

Year 3 Wk11

Friday 26th June


Today we are going to be recapping on what a recount is and when you would write a recount.

There are two learn activities and three practise activities.

Find the lesson here.



Today we are learning how to count in tenths Click here to watch the video.

Then, complete the worksheet by either printing it and working on the sheet or by writing the answers in your maths books.

If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question.

You can now check your answers.



I was asked by some Year 3 children if I could set some homework on volcanoes. So here it is. You will need to complete some research to help you. Click here to access Purple Mash. You then need to choose a picture of a volcano and describe it.  

I look forward to reading your descriptions! Can you use any scientific vocabulary? Can you find out what the scientific name for volcano is?



Thursday 25th June


Today we are going to learn about expanded noun phrases.

An expanded noun phrase adds more detail to the noun by adding one or more adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

Click here to access the lesson on BBC Bitesize.



Today we are focussing on tenths Click here to watch the video.

Then, complete this worksheet by either printing it and working on the sheet or by writing the answers in your maths books.

If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question.

You can now check your answers.


P.E. - Shake it up!

Watch the video on Change4life and then take part in the activity. Click here. 

You will need at least one other person and floor space.


You could try some of the activities on this WOW card!


Wednesday 24th June

Art activity

When we were together in class, we did a lot of work about mark making- either with pencils, pens, graphite or paint.

When we were together in class, we did a lot of work about mark making- either with pencils, pens, graphite or paint.

Here is an activity that builds on mark making and is really fun and experimental. It uses everyday things to ‘paint’ with. One example is coffee:

You can experiment with different strengths to get different ‘colours’. To paint with, look around the kitchen to see what you can find to make marks with.

Look at this short video to get you started:

When your work is dry, perhaps you could use it to collage another piece of work with.

Music activity

Here is another music challenge for you. Lots of you have been enjoying Busy Beats, which is great. Lots of you have been following instructions well and making some great music so today I have an exciting challenge for you.

We are going to make words with music!

 As we spoke about in class, a looooooooong time ago, we use the first 8 letters of the alphabet to name the notes.

So, as it is the alphabet, we can create some musical words.

First write down some words that you can think of using just the letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G e.g. dad (Try and be creative, can you think of a word no-one else will?)

Now on Busy Beat (in Purple Mash) you are going to use your words as music.

Do you remember when we play more than one note at a time, we call it a chord, so here the three notes D A D above the ripplers are making a chord, as they play at the same time.


If you can’t find the letter you want displayed along the top, in the section called synth, click on any letter you have placed there, and you can change it by pressing on any of the keys, the letter name will change as try the different keys

When you have added your words you can add some drums, experiment, make the words play beautiful music. Can you alter the tempo and use the doors we learnt about last week.

This may be tricky, but don’t worry, experiment and have fun, we are just thinking about how to use and name the notes, about melody and chords.

Enjoy and have fun. I have loved hearing your work.

Mr Hornby


French activity

Salut et Bravo! to everyone who did last week’s tongue twister ‘Le ver vert va vers le verre vert’ …. I loved watching and listening to the clips that you sent me ….. trés bien! …..and for the live performances you showed me in school …. Merci beaucoup!


Tongue Twister of the Week:

How many times can you quickly say this phrase before making a mistake?

  1. Use this short clip to help you with the pronunciation
  2. Practice as many times as you can with the clip, then keep practicing until you feel confident
  3. Please send me a video/audio file of you doing it.


  • Watch the trailer of the French animation film ‘Une vie de chat’ (A Cat’s Life)
  • Can you match the French word to its English word in the table below?
  • Draw a picture for each one and label it carefully in French, then send it to me, please …. Use the animation for inspiration for your drawings!



1. a burglar

A. un toit

2. a friend

B. un cambrioleur/une cambrioleuse

3. night time

C. un ami/une amie

4. a roof

D. une bagarre

5. a fight

E. la nuit



Continue with your Duolingo challenges ….. you’re all doing a fantastic job, and some of you have notched up beaucoup de points – formidable!

Big congratulations to the following children this week for all their hard work with Duolingo:
Amelie, Liberty, Mollie, Charlie, Ethan, Layla, Matthew &Haydn


Tuesday 23rd June


Today we are going to find out about contractions.

Can you remember what a contraction is? When do we use them?

Today’s lesson will help us to remember what a contraction is and what punctuation mark we use to show when we have done this.

Click here to access the learning.


Maths - Making the Whole

Today we are focussing on making the whole Click here to watch the video.

Then, complete this worksheet by either printing it and working on the sheet or by writing the answers in your maths books.

If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question.

You can now check your answers.


Well being

Let’s practise some mindfulness today. It would be great to do this together with someone but you can do some of the activities alone. Remember that is it important to relax and be calm. Find the activities here.



Monday 22nd June


Many of you asked for skill lessons rather than work that follows on each day. This week, we will be using lessons from BBC bitesize. The lessons are split into two sections.

Learn - where you will watch a video and

Practise - where you will take part in follow up activities.

Reading lesson

Using the poems "Please Mrs Butler" and "Excuses" you will give your opinion and use the text as evidence to support you.

You will also try reading a poem aloud using your voice, face and body language to show expression. Click here for today’s lesson.


Maths - Unit & Non-Unit Fractions

Today we are focussing on unit and non-unit fractions. Click here to watch the video. Then, complete this worksheet by either printing it and working on the sheet or by writing the answers in your maths books.

If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question.

You can now check your answers.



This week, try one of these activities.

Grow carrots from carrots 


Old tomato, new tomato! 


The French tongue-twister challenge!

"Le ver vert va vers le verre vert"

The green worm goes towards the green glass!