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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 3 Week Grid
  4. Year 3 Wk5

Year 3

FRIDAY 8th May

Today is May Bank Holiday. We have this holiday to celebrate May Day. It is an ancient festival of Spring and a current traditional spring holiday across Europe. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities.

This year many people will be celebrating the anniversary of the ending of World War 2 in Europe. It ended 75 years ago today, on 8th May 1945.

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 7th May

English activity

Watch this short clip to understand what adverbs are and how they are used. Click here. Then, try the activities.

Activity 1

Next, complete the identifying adverbs activity sheet in your jotters.

  • You need to read the sentences and circle/ identify all the adverbs that are used.

Then complete the sentences by adding an adverb from the word list.

Top tip!

Read all the adverb options before you choose. Not all adverbs will make sense within a sentence so choose the one that works best.

(Answers here)

Activity 2

Write five of your own sentences about what you have been up to this week.

  • Use at least one adverb in each sentence.
  • Then underline all the adverbs you have used.


Maths activity

Login to Purple Mash and play the Fractions Wall Game in your 2Dos.

As you play look out for different ways to make 1 whole.

Now look below. Can you find pairs of fractions equal to 1? (sheet available here.)

You will need to calculate what to add to the shaded fractions to make it equal to 1 whole.

(Answer sheet here.)

PSHE activity

Login to Purple Mash and check out Positive Emotions in your 2Dos. We really hope you are happy!

Complete the activity by explaining which positive emotion links to each picture. You should also describe each of the positive emotions. You could even give examples of what you could do to help yourself feel that emotion. E.g. To help me to feel relaxed I like to read a book

Wednesday 6th May

Art activity

You will have seen lots of rainbows used as symbols of thanks recently.

Other artists have used the symbol too. Look at these illustrations by Quentin Blake and see if you can think of other ways that a rainbow could be used.

You might want to draw this digitally on Purple Mash or colour or paint your designs.

Non-digital version can be photographed and emailed to the office We will then choose some to send to the AMEX Stadium to display at their Testing Centre.


Music activity

On Purple Mash, check out your 2Dos and have a go at building a Popstar portrait.

Create an artist, a look, a band and then tell me all about them.

  • What kind of music do they play?
  • Are they famous?

Be creative, invent new musical styles. Or keep it simple and just base it on the music you like. Enjoy. I look forward to seeing your creations.

Computing activity

We are continuing our learning about Branching Databases. Well done to all of you who had a go last week and saved their work in Purple Mash there were some excellent solutions to the Fruits and Vegetables databases.

Click here to access this week's lesson slides.

Have your Purple Mash login ready to try creating your own Branching Database from scratch!

Tuesday 5th May

English activity

Watch this clip to learn about what verbs are and how they are used.Click here. Then, try the activities.

Next, complete the finding verbs activity sheet in your jotters.

  • You need to read each of the sentences and circle/ identify all the verbs that are used.
  • Write a list of verbs that are in each sentence instead.
  • Then, choose five of the sentences and rewrite them with different verbs.

Top tip!

You could use a thesaurus or an online thesaurus to find a different or more impressive words. If you're not sure how to use a thesaurus, you can find out here.

By choosing your verbs carefully, you give the reader a much clearer picture in their mind.

Maths activity - Fraction calculations

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fraction calculations here.

Now complete the online homework here.

ALSO: Complete any other outstanding MyMaths homework you have left!


Science/Geography activity

Login to Purple Mash and complete the Animals and the Seasons activity in your 2Dos.

The weather has really change since we were last all at school. Think about how the change in weather throughout the seasons effects life for different types of animals. Use the internet to research the animals if you like.

Complete the fact file to show off what you know!

Monday 4th May

English and science

Last Monday you were asked to look out for flowering plants and we asked you to draw a labelled picture.

This week we have shared a labelled picture and your task is to find out why each part of the plant is important.

Find out more by watching this BBC Bitesize video and make some notes about each part of the flower.

  • What do the roots do?
  • Why are the petals important?
  • Why do flowers have anthers?

Once you have completed your research, you can check your answers with the sheet here.


Can you make a model of these parts of the plant using different materials that you have at home?

You could then take a photo and send it to to be displayed on the website next week.

Remember: Please do not take photos of faces. You may want to write your name and fit in in the photograph.

Maths activity

Times table practice on Times Table Rockstars

Who will be the champions of Year 3? 

This week's new competition begins on Monday morning and runs for the week. Please aim to spend at least 45 minutes on it one day this week to help your class to be the best!


Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.