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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 3 Week Grid
  4. Year 3 Wk2

Year 3

Friday 3rd April 2020


Read A Horde of Ravens chapter 2 on Purple Mash and then answer a short quiz

1. Why did Conan have exceptionally good local knowledge?

2. Although he could not make out the words, he knew at once it was not the language of his tribe. How do you think Conan knew that the shouting was in another language?

3. Why did Conan climb an oak tree? Give two reasons.

4. Look at the paragraph beginning: He lay quite… Find and copy a phrase that suggests the soldiers were part of a very well-organised army.

5. At the end of the chapter, Conan remembered the raven. What made him think of the raven?


Maths activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on the 3 times table.

Now complete the online homework here.


Geography activity

Go to Purple Mash and label a compass with the following directions - North, South, East, West, North East, North West, South East and South West.

Thursday 2nd April 2020

English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

You may want to re-read A Horde of Ravens chapter 1 on Purple Mash.

Now open this pdf to find the SPaG questions.

You might want to try answering these questions.

1. What was Conan’s favourite way to spend his free time?

2. Look at the sentence beginning: When the tide… Why do you think that the author chose to use the word threaded in this sentence?

3. Conan blew his flute again but the notes died on his lips as he saw the animal approach. What does this sentence tell you about how Conan was feeling?

4. Look at the paragraph beginning: Conan blew his flute again… Why did Conan believe that there was no time to run?

5. Will the beast attack Conan? Use evidence from the story to give a reason for your answer.


Maths activity

Comparing: How many times more?

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson, Comparing - How many times more?

Now complete the online homework here.


Computing activity

Practise your typing skills with 2type on Purple Mash. Can you beat your first score?

Remember that you can change how fast the letters fall and how much time you have.

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Every other Wednesday at school we have our PPA Day learning! 

Art activity

There is a ‘To Do’ task on Purple Mash: Using 2Paint, create a fresco background using a range of ‘warm colours’. Remember to save your work and then we can look at them together later on.

Could you make a Roman mosaic using the Poly mosaic tool?

How many Roman Gods/Goddesses can you remember? Make drawings of these either on 2Paint or with whatever materials you have at home. Perhaps you could make animation of your drawings using ‘2Animate’ on Purple Mash?

Keep on drawing!- use any materials you can find at home- the inside of cereal boxes are really good.

You could try the drawing challenge (opens as PDF)

Here are some really good art websites with lots of lovely things to do and make – but if you have your own ideas, they’ll probably be better!


Computing activity

Use this opportunity to improve your coding skills. In Purple Mash select the Computing tile and then 2Code


Choose some of the challenges to work through.

Remember: Chimp level is a good place to start, Gibbon level gets more challenging!

Music activity

Can you create a piece of music using different instruments? Click here to access Purple Mash. We can't wait to hear your completed piece!

Tuesday 31st March 2020

English reading

Read A Horde of Ravens chapter 1 on Purple Mash and then answer a short quiz


Maths activity

Multiplication practice of TO x O using the distributive law.  

So 14 x 9 = (10 x 9) + (4 x 9)

History activity

Can you find out what Romans used to eat? Would rich and poor Romans eat the same?

Record what you find in your jotters.

Monday 30th March


Purple Mash word sort 2dos

Spelling homophones BBC bitesize watch the video

Spelling Purple Mash 2dos


Maths activity

Times table practice on Times Table Rockstars

Last week Gold Class were the champions of Year 3! Can Sunstone take the crown this week? Or will Gold taste victory again?

This week's new competition begins on Monday morning and runs for the week. Please aim to spend at least 45 minutes on it today to help your class to be the best!



Science activity

Purple Mash magnet quiz