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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 4 Week Grid
  4. Year 4 Wk6

Year 4 Wk6

Friday 15th May

English activity

Log in to purple mash and have a go at the spelling quiz you have been set. Once you have done this have a go at practising the words in your jotter and write down their dictionary definitions. Do you know any synonyms for these words? Write those in your jotter too!


Reading activity

Read along with Mr Bulmer pg147, Chapter 20, Dr Thalassi.

After reading the chapter, answer the questions below in your book or discuss them with someone at home.

  • Why do you think Dr Thalassi was trying to lure the malamander to the museum?
  • Why does the Doc think the sea glass will lure the malamander?
  • How did Dr Thalassi know that the children didn’t break the window?

Maths activity – dividing 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number

Follow this link:

There are two videos for you to watch here and then a couple of tasks as well. If you have a printer, you can print the worksheet off and work straight onto the sheet. If you do not have a printer, you can copy the questions from the screen into your book and work there.


Science activity

Log in to purple mash and complete the 2do set for you. You’ll need to create a step by step guide explaining how to complete the mummification of a tomato. Use the lay out to help you, you’ll need to add pages. You can also draw pictures for each step. Good luck!



Thursday 14th May

English activity

Have a go at the Purple Mash 2do that has been set for you. Choose one of the 4 seasons you wrote about on Tuesday (Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn) and then create an information leaflet with information about this season. Remember to use paragraphs and facts in your writing.


Reading activity

Read along with Mr Bulmer pg138, Chapter 19, Close Encounter.

After reading the chapter, answer the questions below in your book or discuss them with someone at home.

If you saw the shadow and heard the screaming, would you go to the museum to investigate or would you go back to the hotel? Explain why you think this.

Why did the cat say that? Come to think of it, why was the cat talking at all?

Do you think it was the malamander in the museum? If so, why was it there? What was it doing?


Maths activity – Multiplication 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number

Follow this link:

It will take you to BBC Bitesize. Watch the video then give the two tasks a go. The first task is a game that you can play as many times as you want. To win, you will have to work out where it is best to put the digits you roll into the multiplication. Then there is a work sheet. If you have a printer, you can print the worksheet off and work straight onto the sheet. If you do not have a printer, you can copy the questions from the screen into your book and work there.


Science activity

We’re going to look at the ancient Egyptian method of mummification. You are going to have a go at doing your own mummification! (Don’t worry it’s not too gruesome!). First watch this video to learn more about mummification.

Now follow this step by step guide to mummify a tomato



Wednesday 13th May

Art activity

Look at how these artists have used the view from their window as inspiration for their artwork.

"The World Beyond" by Pierre Bonnard

Look at some of David Hockney's digital works here:

Now find a view from a window where you live and spend some time looking carefully at the view.

Take time to notice as much as you can.

Either draw your view, with whatever you have at home, or use the paint/drawing tools on Purple Mash.

Either save it there or send a photograph in to

so we can share it. Looking forward to seeing your work!


Music Activity

I loved hearing your ideas for Pop Stars last week, this week you are going to play with making a song for them. Make some music on 2Sequence that suits the description that you wrote, if they sing Pop music write Pop, or if they play Rock try Rock, then add some vocals.

This is a little tricky so I will talk you through it.

1 - Look for the box that say MySounds, at the bottom of 2Sequence.

2 - Click on the box with the + sign.

3 -Then press on the record box, which looks like a microphone.

4 - Press the red button here to record. If correct press done, if not try again.

5 - Then you get a microphone, add it to your song and hear yourself.

Have fun. I look forward to hearing them. If you press the green arrow on Purple Mash, you can hear me having a go at making a rock song. Great fun. ENJOY.


Computing Activity

This week we finish our learning how to program using logo. 


The lesson slides are here. 

At the end of the lesson click below to find two sheets with further ideas to explore using Logo. Enjoy and don't forget to save your work to your class folder so we can see what you've been coding.
Look out for an email from Madame Howard later this week with some exciting news about learning French online. Ça a l'air très bien!

Tuesday 12th May

English activity

Watch this online lesson about paragraphs

Then have a go at activity one, you can print it out or you can write your answers in your purple jotter.

Once you have done this have a go at activity two, watch the video about the different seasons and write a paragraph about each one. You should make notes while you watch the video, this will help you later on.


Reading actvity

Read along with Mr Bulmer pg132, Chapter 18, The Monster Hunt.

After reading the chapter, answer the questions below in your book or discuss them with someone at home.

What do you think happened to the two men when they were on the beach? Did they find the malamander or not? Did they have a fight?

Violet’s mum was a scientist working for the Natural History Museum, do you think she believed the malamander was real? Why do you think this?


Maths activity– multiplication.

I think we have done enough fractions and decimals for a while now! We’ll take a look at some other areas of the maths curriculum now.

We’ll take a look at multiplication for the moment as this is a key operation that will be used throughout your education.

Follow this link: .

Start by watching the video which explains how you can partition to solve a multiplication. Then, there is a lesson from mymaths. Finally, check out the worksheets that are available. If you have a printer, you can print them off and work straight onto the sheet. If you do not have a printer, you can copy the questions from the screen into your book and work there.

PSHE activity

First watch and listen to this video this is all about mindfulness and breathing.

You could do this on your own or get other people in your house involved! Now in your purple jotter write a list of things that help you to feel happy, calm and relaxed. Explain why these things make you feel like this and then you can draw a picture of them. Alternatively, you could talk to someone at home about this and share what things make each of you feel happy, calm and relaxed.



Monday 11th May

English activity

This time you are going to write a postcard as though you are living in modern day Egypt. A great way to learn more about what Egypt looks like now is to use Google Earth and walk the streets of Cairo (Egypt’s capital city) on street view!

Then log in to Purple Mash and complete the post card 2Do.

Reading activity

Reading extension task:

We have found out that a few of the characters knew Violet’s dad pretty well in these last few chapters. We also know that Sebastian Eels and Violet’s dad are obsessed by the story of the Malamander. The next chapter is called ‘Monster Hunt’ and starts with the sentence: “Your dad believed that the Malamander is real.”

Who do you think is going to or has tried to hunt the Malamander?

I would like you to write a short story about the hunt for the Malamander. You can choose which characters from the story are going to go on the hunt and what they are going to try and do. You can decide if they will be successful or not.

Next week, on the 21st there is going to be a special talk held by Young City Reads with the author of Malamander: Thomas Taylor. If you have any questions for him please submit them by following this link to their website.


Maths – Fractions and Decimals

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Fractions to Decimals.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Science activity

This time we’re going to see how much we can remember about animals and their diets, think about the different types of diets animals have.

  • Herbivore
  • Omnivore
  • Carnivore

See if you can remember any animals that fit these categories. What are you? What about your pet?

Now log into Purple Mash and have a go at the 2Do set which is a game all about the different diets of animals, enjoy!

Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.