Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 4 Week Grid
  4. Year 4 Wk14

Year 4 Wk14

A special note from your favourite teacher:

This is the final week of home learning that is being set by the school. I am aware though that many of you would like further opportunities to put in a little work over the summer holiday.



I have set a maths task on Mymaths for every week day over the holiday up until the end of August. These are not compulsory and only there for those of you who would like the additional practice over the holiday. Some of them might have been started or completed previously (as we have done so many now).



For writing, check out this fantastic web site (Pobble365). This is a great site which posts a picture every day and gives ideas of how it could be used for a piece of writing. I have used many of these for the writing tasks this term.



For reading, pick up a book and read! If you already own a library card, you can download the Borrow Box app. You can download this app from the play store or the apple store. This app lets you sign into your virtual library account where you can borrow digital versions of the books to read on your phone, pc or tablet. They even have audio books you can borrow and read. This is honestly a fantastic app - you should definitely check it out.


Friday 17th July

English – 2-day writing project

Today I would like you to write your diary or your story.

Make sure you include the similes and metaphors from yesterday.

You can write in your book, on word or on Purple Mash. If you use Purple Mash, you have extra time to complete your work. You can use my story starter if you’d like:

It had all gone wrong at home. That was why we had left and moved to the forest.

We had now been living here amongst the trees, ferns and tumbling streams for years. We had lived here for so long that in many ways we had changed completely. In many ways we had become part of the forest...


Reading activity - Foggy Figure

Today you have a piece of writing, questions and answers all on the same pdf (try not to look at the answers before you look at the questions).

You can print the work if you like and work on the sheet or you can read the text on the screen and answer the questions in your book.

Click here for the text, questions and answers.


Maths – Quadrilaterals

We are going to continue with revising important topics that we have covered this year. Today we will look at quadrilaterals. First, watch this video. Follow the instructions on the video. It will ask you to stop at different points in time to complete tasks. Make sure you pause the video so that you have time to complete the activities.

Now that you have watched the video, give this work sheet a go. If you have a printer, you can print work off. If you do not have a printer, you can try your best at completing the answers in your workbook.

Once you have finished, you can check you have the correct answer with this answer sheet here

If you would like more practice, there is a task set for you on Mymaths. As this is the last week of home learning I have given you until the end of August to finish this work.

Because we all love a game on a Friday, give this angle estimation game a go. How close can you get to the angle?


Topic – Into Year 5

You will be joining year 5 when you return to school. Your first topic is going to be ‘To the Rescue’. What do you already know about this topic from what you have heard other children say?

Part of this topic is about super heroes. Today I want you to imagine you are a super hero. If you are only allowed 1 super power, what would it be? What would you do with it?

Would you like to be able to fly, go invisible, super hearing or x-ray vision?

Would having super powers have any negative effects? Maybe newspapers and paparazzi would be following you all the time, asking for your picture. Maybe you would have to do lots of jobs for people who needs your help, you might not have much time to relax.


Do you think there is a reason most super heroes keep their real identity secret?


I would like you to draw a picture of yourself, if you were a super hero. Label around the picture telling me what your super powers are and what you would do with them.

You can do this on paper and bring into school next year to show your new teacher.


Thursday 16th July - after 9am

Today sees the release of the video that Year 6 have been working on as part of their Leavers celebrations. Why not pencil in a 40 minute break to sit back and enjoy their hard work.

Link available here.

Thursday 16th July

English – 2-day writing project

Another 2-day writing project. Look at the picture and think about these questions:

  • Why do you think the family moved to the forest?
  • Who are the different family members?
  • What do you think their roles are in the forest?
  • In what way might they have changed?
  • Where do you think they sleep?
  • How do they survive?
  • What do you think the man is carrying in his bag?

I want you to image you are part of this family that lives in the forest.

You will be writing either a diary entry telling me what you might do in a couple of days living in the forest or you can write a short story about living in the forest.

Whatever you write, you will be describing the forest. Today I would like you to write some similes and metaphors to describe the forest.

Check out this fantastic video on the BBC page. It tells you what similes and metaphors are. Write some similes and metaphors to describe the forest that you can use in your writing tomorrow.

Some examples are below:

  • The forest was as dark as the night sky.
  • The trees were as tall as lampposts.
  • The forest was a supermarket: there was always food to eat.
  • The river was cold like a glass of water from the fridge.

Which of the sentences above are metaphors?


Reading activity - Achoo!

Today you have a piece of writing, questions and answers all on the same pdf (try not to look at the answers before you look at the questions).

You can print the work if you like and work on the sheet or you can read the text on the screen and answer the questions in your book.

Click here for the text, questions and answers.


Maths – Triangles

We are going to continue with revising important topics that we have covered this year. Today we will look at triangles. First, watch this video. Follow the instructions on the video. It will ask you to stop at different points in time to complete tasks. Make sure you pause the video so that you have time to complete the activities.

Now that you have watched the video, give this work sheet a go. If you have a printer, you can print work off. If you do not have a printer, you can try your best at completing the answers in your workbook.

Once you have finished, you can check you have the correct answer with this answer sheet here. Link to answer sheet.

If you would like more practice, there is a task set for you on Mymaths. As this is the last week of home learning I have given you until the end of August to finish this work.


Topic – Year 5

You now know which teacher you will be having next year. I would like you to tell them about yourself. I would like you to draw a picture of yourself doing something that you enjoy (try to make that thing not TV or PlayStation) and write a short paragraph telling them about your favourite things to do.

Try to include information about some of your greatest achievements, your dreams and hobbies.

You can bring these to school in September for your teacher to look at.


Wednesday 15th July

First of all, here's a message from Stik!

“Thank you for all of the amazing artwork! I’m starting to post on my Instagram @stikstudio on the stories. Your artwork will then be stored in story highlights if anyone wants to see them. Wishing you all the best. STIK“

WOW! We forwarded your artwork to Stik and he's going to post some of it on his Instagram page. We think he might tag it "Brighton & Hove School" but hopefully he'll mention Coldean too! 

Ask an adult if it's okay to check out @stikstudios on Insta and see if your work is featured!


Art activity

This is our last Art activity this school year and you may want to take a bit longer on this and work on it over the school holidays.


This is a challenge that has been set by a really famous Pottery in Cornwall and it’s a competition to design a Pot for Sharing. You can find out all the details here:


The prizes are really fantastic but we could also spend some time in class when we’re all back together again to make some of your designs in clay.

The Pot for Sharing Challenge asks you to imagine a feast for people you admire on who inspire you. Who would you like to meet and what would you like to share? For example a cup of tea with someone, or your favourite meal on an incredible plate.

Try to “think outside the box”

  • Does your plate have to be round?
  • Could your cup have interesting and unusual features?

Remember designs should have labels to give us lots of information about your idea. Think about colours, shape, texture, decorations and special features.

Music activity

It’s the last music task of the school year so I’m going to make it very simple.


Write a piece of music in any style you like.

Show off the techniques you have mastered.

1) Can you record a melody? Use Chords.

2) Can you use doors to add extra interest?

Can you also leave a comment when you submit your work, telling me what you have enjoyed most about our music lessons.

I have enjoyed listening to all your work and look forward to getting back to class next year.

Enjoy your summer

Take care

Mr Hornby

Tuesday 14th July

English – 2-day writing project

Look again at the picture from yesterday. Have a final think about what will happen in your story after your character finds the ladder.

You can use my story starter if you’d like:

It wasn’t there when he had left the previous evening, but when Tim arrived that morning, there it was! Where had it come from? Where did it lead? There was only one way to find out. Slowly, step by step, Tim made his way up the ladder until …


You can write your story in your book, on Word or on Purple Mash. If you use Purple Mash, I have given you extra time to hand in your work in case you plan to finish it over the holiday.


Reading activity - The Skeleton Key

Today you have a piece of writing, questions and answers all on the same pdf (try not to look at the answers before you look at the questions).

You can print the work if you like and work on the sheet or you can read the text on the screen and answer the questions in your book.

Click here for the text, questions and answers.


Maths – Comparing and ordering angles

We are going to continue with revising important topics that we have covered this year. Today we will look at comparing and ordering angles. First, watch this video. Follow the instructions on the video. It will ask you to stop at different points in time to complete tasks. Make sure you pause the video so that you have time to complete the activities.

Now that you have watched the video, give this work sheet a go. If you have a printer, you can print work off. If you do not have a printer, you can try your best at completing the answers in your workbook. 

Once you have finished, you can check you have the correct answer with this answer sheet here

If you would like more practice, there is a task set for you on Mymaths. As this is the last week of home learning I have given you until the end of August to finish this work.


Topic – 2-day Design & Technology project

Yesterday, you studied a product from around the house. You thought about why it is made like it is and why it is made from what it is.

Today, I would like you to try and make a model of the item you have chosen. It does not need to be the same size however the proportions should be the same. If it is taller than it is wide, your model should also be taller than it is wide.

Email a photo of your model to and check back here next week to it displayed.


Monday 13th July

English – 2-day Writing Project

Right, we are going to return to the 2-day writing projects. You will think and plan today before writing and editing tomorrow.

Look at the picture and think about what is happening. Think about these key questions:

  • Where does the ladder lead to?
  • Did someone build the ladder to climb up it or to climb down it?
  • Is the place at the top of the ladder a good place or a bad place?
  • What stories does this image make you think of?
  • How could you use these other stories to help with this story today?

 For your story, I want you to imagine you have found this ladder. You do not know who put it there. Do you climb up it? What do you find? Has someone else climbed up it or did something else climb down?

 When your character reaches the ladder, they might climb up it. Today I would like you to write a short paragraph telling me how your character climbs up the ladder. Your writing needs to have adverbs to tell me how they are climbing the ladder e.g. Slowly, she stepped towards the great ladder. It effortlessly reached up to the clouds like tall tree.


Reading activity - The Troy Ploy!

Read this text and answer the question.

You can print the work if you like and work on the sheet or you can read the text on the screen and answer the questions in your book.

Here are the answers.


Maths – Identifying angles

We are going to continue with revising important topics that we have covered this year. Today we will look at identifying angles. First, watch this video.

Follow the instructions on the video. It will ask you to stop at different points in time to complete tasks. Make sure you pause the video so that you have time to complete the activities.

Now that you have watched the video, give this work sheet a go. If you have a printer, you can print work off. If you do not have a printer, you can try your best at completing the answers in your workbook. 

Once you have finished, you can check you have the correct answer with this answer sheet here

If you would like more practice, there is a task set for you on Mymaths. As this is the last week of home learning I have given you until the end of August to finish this work.


Topic – 2-day Design & Technology project

Many skills are needed when designing and creating a product. You are going to learn about some of the key skills needed over the next couple of days. First, watch this video and read the information on the BBC page here.

Over the next two days you are going to choose an item from around your house, sketch it, measure it, work out how it works and why it was made like that. Then I would like you to make it out of recycled items from your recycling collection.

  1. First, you need to chooce an item from around the house. Try to choose something that has moving parts or multiple pieces but does not use a computer chip (no phones, tablets etc as it is really confusing to work out how they work because they use computer chips).
  2. Next, measure every part of the item so that you have a good idea of how long each part is in comparison to the other parts.
  3. Then, draw the item as accurately as possible. If one side of the object is twice as long as the other, make sure that it is twice as long in your picture.
  4. After that, label your drawing showing what materials have been used and what each part does.
  5. Finally, try to decide why the object was built like that. Why is it made from the materials it is made from? Think about what other materials could have been used and decide why they weren’t used. E.g. a pan couldn’t be made from plastic because it would melt on the cooker. A radiator couldn’t be made from wood because the heat would not pass through it easily enough.

Tomorrow, I am going to ask you to try and make the object out of recycled items (paper towel rolls, card boxes, paper etc).