Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 4 Week Grid
  4. Year 4 Wk3

Year 4

Friday 24th April

English activity

Watch this Tadeo Jones video again: 

This time write what happened in the video up until Tadeo finds the treasure. There are some examples of this underneath the video that other children have done, you should use these if you are unsure.

Remember to include different types of sentences in your writing, here are some reminders: 

Complex sentence: Tadeo Jones stepped warily into the icy cold tomb before he could change his mind. 

Compound sentence: He grabbed hold of his trusty satchel nervously and he began to cautiously glance around the dark, uninviting room.  


Reading activity

Continue reading "Malamander". Today you should read pages 103-107 (Chapter What a Beachcomber Knows) 

Discuss these questions with someone at home if you are reading with them or alternatively write them into your jotter. 

In this chapter they talk about the Malamnders egg, what is special about the egg? 

Is the egg dangerous? Explain your answer, you could use a quote from the book to help support your answer. 

At the end of the chapter Herbie and Violet work something out about the Malamnder’s egg, what do they work out?  


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on comparing scalable fractions. Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

Today is our stunning start! Yee-Haw.

Disclaimer: everything on this list is optional (if you do not have the things for any tasks then don’t worry).

You can do some of these Egyptian things to experience what it would have been like:

  • Dress like an Egyptian, this could be as simple as wrapping a white sheet around you and putting on some jewellery or rings. Will you be a pharaoh or rich Egyptian like Miss Clifford and put on a nemes crown or will you be a worker like Mr Bulmer and put a white sheet and flip flops? (Extra points for getting parents to dress up as well! Only if they want to.)
  • You can have an Egyptian meal. They ate a lot of bread, vegetables, meats and fish. They also really liked sweet things like honey and dried fruit. They didn’t have cutlery so ate with their hands. You could eat a slice of bread with some honey and raisins with your hands (make sure you wash your hands before and after eating). You could also enjoy a glass of milk as Egyptians loved milk. Top notch Egyptian grub!
  • Most people in Ancient Egypt were farmers so you could go into the garden (if you’re lucky enough to have one) and do a bit of gardening. If you don’t have a garden you could repot a house plant or put some pebbles onto the soil to make it look nice.
  • The Ancient Egyptians loved to play board games so grab your favourite and give it a go.

Wow, what a lot of fantastic Pharaoh fun!


We would love you to share any photos from your home stunning start. Please email your best one to  We will then display them on the website next week.
(REMEMBER our online safety rules about keeping personal information out of anything that is posted online.)

Once you have done some, all or none of the above ideas, have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 23rd April

English activity

Watch this Tadeo Jones video:

Write a description of the setting of the story inside the pyramid, can you use any of the words you researched yesterday? 

Here is an example: 

Crumbling sandstone shook and rumbled as the burning-hot desert winds blew through the empty tomb.  

The dusty-brown sarcophagus leaned against the hard pyramid walls.  


Reading activity

Continue reading "Malamander".  Today you should read pages 95-102 (Chapter Mrs Fossil’s Bucket) 

Go for a hunt in your garden or outside when you’re having a walk. Imagine you are Mrs Fossil beachcombing and collecting up object, what sorts of things did you see? 

In your jotter draw your own Mrs Fossil bucket with all of the things you saw on your walk/hunt. What was the most interesting and why? 


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fraction calculations. Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

The Ancient Egyptians were fantastic mathematicians and engineers. They had an unrivalled understanding of the way that numbers related to the world around them. They used this understanding to build incredible structures including the pyramids. They did not however use the same symbols for the numbers as we do. They used a very different system indeed.

Take a look at this website, which explains how the Ancient Egyptians wrote their numbers. Then give the different Ancient Egyptian maths challenges a go.

Still plenty of time to get that bedsheet ready…

Wednesday 22nd April

Art activity

Take a look at this artists website. His drawings are really famous and lots of people copy them. He used to draw in chalk outside or on any spaces or scrap paper he could find.

Can you make your own figures or animal drawings? Look at how Keith Haring used the spaces between his drawings. Save your work so we can share them when we’re back together again.


Computing activity

This half term we are learning some new coding skills. This time we are learning to program using a computer language called Logo. You might have used it before with Beebots or other programmable toys.

Click here to access the lesson slides.

Have your Purple Mash login ready to try coding in Logo for yourself!


Music activity

This week's music learning is about melody. Melody is the tune of a song.
Check out your 2Dos on Purple Mash and click on "2Do: Melody"
There's an example melody there. Notice that the spaces in the grid help the tune to sound right. Can you begin again and copy the melody of a simple song or nursery rhyme?
Bells and Chimes work well. Maybe someone else at home could help you?
Challenge: Can you add some drums?

Tuesday 21st April

English activity

Today we are going to start focusing on the Ancient Egyptians.  

Look up these key topic words either in a dictionary or online and write down their definitions and draw a picture in your jotter, this vocabulary will help you later on with our other topic work. Did you find any other ancient Egyptian words? 

Sphinx, Pharaoh, Mummification, Pyramid, Papyrus, Canopic Jars, Sarcophagus, Hieroglyphics  

As an extension task try to put each of the words into a sentence.  


Reading activity

Continue reading "Malamander'.  Today you should read pages 87-94 (Chapter Exotic Erratics) 

Discuss these questions with someone at home if you are reading with them or alternatively write them into your jotter. 

  • How is Mr Mollusc feeling when Herbie arrives back to his cubby hole at the hotel? How do you know? 
  • What strange thing happens in the chapter involving Erwin the cat? 
  • The number that Herbie calls is the phone number for a museum, what does this make you think Violet’s parent’s jobs might have been? 


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fractions as calculations. Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

Watch this YouTube video, which takes you on a breath-taking tour of some of Ancient Egypt. I want you to imagine you are there walking through these streets and climbing the stairs of these buildings.

Pause the video at a scene that you feel particularly inspired by.

I would like you to create a piece of artwork showing that scene. This art could be a drawing with pencils, a painting, a collage or a digital piece of art on the computer using any application you have. If you complete the work on PurpleMash, then please share the art work with the class by uploading it to our ‘Ancient Egypt’ display board.

I hope you are looking forward to our stunning start this Friday!

Monday 20th April

Hello Year 4, welcome back after Easter. We hope you had a lovely Easter break and got to chomp down on some delicious chocolate eggs. We are starting a new topic this term…. Amazing Egyptians! So get ready to put your History heads on and travel back over 4,000 years to 2040BC.


English activity

Before we broke up from school we talked about our dreams and goals, some of you wanted to get better at basketball and some of you were keen to improve your spelling. Miss Clifford wanted to run a half marathon in under two hours and thanks to a bit of spare time SHE HAS DONE IT! How have you got on with your own goals?  

Check your Purple Mash 2do’s and complete the Dreams and Goals worksheet, we can’t wait to read about yours. 

Dreams and Goals


Reading activity

This term we are going to continue reading "Malamander".  Today you should re-cap what you have read so far in your jotter, look at each of the chapter’s titles and write a few sentences about what happened in each one to remind yourself, draw a picture of a setting from your favourite chapter so far.  

Discuss these chapters with someone at home to help remind you of what you have read so far.  


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fractions as operators.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

Our new topic is Ancient Egypt. Woo-hoo, this one is terrific. I love teaching this one! Before we start learnign about Ancient Agypy, I would like to know what you already know about it.

I have created a collaborative mind map on Purple Mash. Follow the links below and log in.

Once there, you will see some categories relating to the Ancient Egyptians. Add new links and thoughts to the map. Everything that you add can be seen by everyone else in your class! Let’s see how much we know about them already. Keep all comments friendly (I’m sure you will). Just to make sure this is the case, I can check who wrote each comment!

We will be having our Stunning Start this Friday (at home). Feel free to dress up in an Egyptian outfit. Myself and Miss Clifford will be: Miss Clifford will be donning her Pharaoh’s nemes crown while Mr Bulmer will be getting his blue eye shadow on and flip flops. A simple idea is to wrap a white sheet around you (strange how that works for so many outfits)!

Follow this link for Emerald class: Emerald Egyptian Mind Map

Follow this link for Jade class: Jade Egyptian Mind Map