Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 4 Week Grid
  4. Year 4 Wk2

Year 4

Friday 3rd April

English activity

Today write a diary of your week into your jotter, try and use all of the skills you have practiced over the week in your writing. Include complex sentences, expanded noun phrases and even see if you can get some of the Year 4 spelling words (stuck in your jotter) into your diary entry.


Extension task:

Watch this video of Thomas Taylor the author of Malamander

He talks about his inspiration for writing the story Malamander, if you were to write a book what would you write it about and what is your inspiration – explain your answer in your jotter.


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on tenths and hundredths.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

Log into Purple Mash. Check out the Easter Story task that should go live today for you. Once you have finished, upload your work to our ‘Year 4 Easter Story’ display board. You will be able to check out the display board and see the work that your friends have done. Cool or what?

Thursday 2nd April

English activity

Have a go at the spelling quiz set for you on Purple Mash, just log into your account and check your 2dos, if there were any you were unsure of you could practise writing them out in your jotter.


Continue reading Malamander, today you should read pages 80 – 86 (Chapter The Sighting)

Discuss these questions with someone at home if you are reading with them or alternatively write them into your jotter.

  • What language is used to describe the noise they hear on the beach when they are helping Mrs Fossil that makes you think it could be the Malamander.
  • What do you think the Malamander actually is?
  • Do you know any other legends like the legend of the Malamander, maybe a famous one or a local one?


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fraction and decimal equivalents.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

Another issue our environment currently faces is that of plastic pollution. There is lots of plastic that is thrown away and end up in landfills or the ocean. Plastic is a material that has been designed to last a long time yet many of the ways we use it, it is only needed for a few minutes. There are many projects around the world where people are trying to recycle plastic, to reuse it so that it does not end up in the bin. Watch the video below to find out how this European company is dealing with the problem of plastic waste

I want you to imagine you have this 3D plastic printing machine. I want you to design your own chair that you could have in your house. Imagine it is going to be 3D printed with this machine. What colour would you have it? Would you have a hole to plant a plant in it? Would you have a TV remote holder?

Create your design on Purple Mash and upload your idea to our year 4 work board.

Wednesday 1st April 

Every other Wednesday at school we have our PPA Day learning! 

Art activity

There are some ‘2DO’ tasks on purple Mash. Using a range of tools and marks, can you make an image that shows texture? You could use your birds drawings as a starting point or work from your imagination. Remember to save your work so we can share them when were all back to together again.

Look at this Brighton artists work.

Can you find an old box and make an environment? Use things you have around your house and think about using things in a new way. Take a photo to record it if you can.

You could try the drawing challenge (opens as PDF)

Keep on drawing- anything around you. Have a look at these websites that have some really great ideas to play around with or adapt.


Computing activity

Use this opportunity to improve your coding skills. In Purple Mash select the Computing tile and then 2Code


Choose some of the challenges to work through.

Remember: Chimp level is a good place to start, Gibbon level gets more challenging and Gorilla is the most challenging!


Music activity

Check out Mr Hornby's music challenge using 2Sequence. 

Drag and drop sounds into the grid. Explore. Can you change the speed of the music? Can you add drums? How many SFX sounds can you use? Click here to access Purple Mash. I can't wait to hear your completed piece!

Tuesday 31st March

 English activity

Look back through your work from yesterday and pick out all of the nouns (people, places, objects or things) then add in extra information to make expanded noun phrases. Watch this video from BBC Bitesize to help


Reading activity

The next chapter in the book is called ‘Sighting’ in your jotter write what you think is going to happen in this chapter. Use what you know already to make predictions. Remember to think about where the characters are, which characters are there and who they have met already. On Thursday you’ll read the chapter and find out if you were correct.


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on equivalent fractions.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.

Topic activity

Please continue your project from yesterday.

Monday 30th March

English activity

Today you're going to have a look at complex sentences, watch this video about complex sentences from BBC Bitesize then have a go at writing your own about global warming and underline the conjunctions (this will help you out with your topic work later).

Here are some examples:

Because of the increase in temperatures, the ice caps are melting.”

“The changes will be irreversible if we don’t act now.”


Reading activity

Please continue to read Malamander, today you should read pages 74 -79 (Chapter Seegol’s Diner)

In your jotter summarise what has happened in the chapter in 60 words or less.

Boathook man is described as ‘dismal’ use a dictionary or search online for the definition of dismal. What other words could be used as a synonym for dismal, write a list.

Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on fractions of amounts.

Then complete the task that has been set in MyMaths.


Topic activity

We have been learning lots about the climate and how it is changing due to the way we are treating the planet. Sir David Attenborough is a famous natural historian; he has presented many TV shows that show us how animals live in the wild. Many of his more recent shows have discussed how humans are affecting the environment by the way that we live. Watch this video below where David Attenborough details some of the problems that the world faces and more importantly what we should do to stop it:

The four key changes we need to make according to David are to:

  1. switch to renewable energy sources;
  2. manage the ocean by reducing the amount that we fish;
  3. re-wild the world by having more wild forests and areas for animals to live
  4. changing the way we farm by eating less meat and growing vegetables more efficiently.

We have learnt a lot about a few of these ideas that David is discussing here. Over the next two days, I would like you to pick one of the key areas that David suggests and create something to present your ideas on it.

You could create a poster - showing why it is important to eat less meat.

You could create a book (look at the video from last Friday’s session on how to make the book) explaining why it is important for us to use more renewable energy sources.

You could use one of the Purple Mash applications to create a fact file (if you use purple mash, please upload it to the year 4 display board using the 'Share' option in the Purple menu).

If you would like to present on one of the topics that we have not yet talked about in class (efficient farming, over fishing the oceans, increased wild spaces), then feel free to do some more research yourself before presenting your work.