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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk9

Year 5 Wk9


Are you in Year 4, 5 or 6? Then enter this competition for a chance to win a micro scooter or a goody bag.

Brighton and Hove City Council want children to create a design that will go on the the side of at least 150 of the light blue Bike-share Bikes that you see around town!

There is one design for Year 4s and 5s and a different part for Year 6s.

To enter the competition:

  • Click here for the Year 4 or 5 design template.
  • Print off the template sheet or you can create your design on a computer.
  • Create your design. It could show the benefits of cycling for physical or mental health, to improve air quality, reduce congestion or just a fun thing to do! It can also be linked to climate change and the opportunity for a better future.
  • Try to keep your design simple. Any words must be big and clear to read.
  • E-mail your design to by Monday 6th July. Please remember to include your child’s name, his/her class and the name of the school.
  • The winners and runner ups will be notified by email Friday 17th July.

    Good luck!

Friday 12th June

English Activity 

Follow this link to learn how to use paragraphs and homophones.

This lesson includes:

  • Two videos, including a song with Johnny and Inel!
  • Activity 1- Select the first word of each sentence where a new paragraph should begin.
  • Activity 2- Imagine you see an advert to be an astronaut and write an application letter which includes paragraphs section. For example paragraph 1 could be, ‘Why I want to be an astronaut’.
  • Activity 3- Don’t worry about printing this page. Simply read the paragraphs and label them 1-7. Now write the numbers in the correct order in your purple book.

Maths Activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Squares and Cubes

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


PSHE- Wellbeing 

Let’s grow some calming breathing skills.

Whale breathing:

Sitting criss-cross, sit up tall and take a deep breathe in, hold it while you count to 5 with your fingers then tilt head up to blow it out of blowhole. You can also put your hands up on top of head to create the blow hole to “blow” out.

Bumble bee breathing: Breathe in and pretend you are smelling a flower. As you breathe out, make humming bee sound. Try different ways of making the sound - longer or shorter, high or low sounds.

Join in with Bee breath on Go Noodle 

Finally, enjoy this Space Breathing Peace Out Guided Relaxation:

How does this make you feel?


Thursday 11th June

English Activity 
Follow this link
to learn how to use fronted adverbials.

This lesson includes:

  • Two videos
  • Activity 1- Quiz
  • Activity 2- Don’t worry about printing these. Simply choose a card from each of the 6 categories (-ing word, simile, preposition, adverb, -ed word, conjunction) and write a sentence about each one.
  • Activity 3- Answer the questions from page 1 only in your purple book.


Maths Activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Squares and Triangles

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


French Activity

Follow this link to impress your family by learning the letters of the alphabet in French!

Now spend 10 minutes on Duolingo.



Wednesday 10th June

Art activity

How to draw Pegasus 

Wow…. Horses are really tricky…. Have a look at these “how to”…. videos and have a go at drawing Pegasus

If they don’t work out, try this approach…..

Remember to use a range of lines in your drawing and see if you can add shading we learnt in class together.

Music activity

Today’s music is looking at a new music making program, Busy Beats.

The best way to learn about it is to play with it... but there are also help videos.  If you click on the "Launch Help Videos" button shown below, there will appear a menu, watch INTRODUCTION and PLAYING WITH TEXTURES to get you started and then have an experiment.

  • Can you change the tempo?
  • What happens if you move the ripplers?
  • What are in all the menus along the top?

If you want to watch more help videos you find them in the top right corner of the screen, next to the red arrow.

Enjoy. This is a great tool for making music and we will be using it when we all return to school. 

Mr Hornby


French activity

Phrase of the week: Tu me manques!

I miss you!

TASK 1: Watch this short animation Le Vélo de l'éléphant (The Elephant’s Bicycle):

Can you match the French word to its English word?



1. a banana

A. une rivière

2. an elephant

B. un nuage

3. a bicycle

C. le ciel

4. a river

D. une banane

5. the sky

E. un vélo

6. a cloud

F. un éléphant


Use Google Translate to hear the sound of the words and repeat out loud

TASK 2: Log onto Duolingo using your username and password, and complete this lesson:

Beginner Skills
Travel: I can talk about going on holiday


Tuesday 9th June


Let’s get moving! Check out Get Yo Body Movin and Dinosaur Stomp

Watch both and learn the moves!

Alternatively you can do P.E with Joe! Join in live at 9:00am or catch it later. Follow the link below:


English Activity 

In your 2Dos on Purplemash complete the ‘Book Review’ activity. 

Now that you have finished reading The Lost Myth of Mathos, write a detailed review about the story.

 As you are writing your book review, think about the following:

  • Does the book fit into a genre, such as mystery, romance, adventure and why? What are the main themes in the story? Kindness, friendships, bravery etc.

e.g The Lost Myth of Mathos is a gripping adventure story that takes the reader on a treacherous journey into a fantasy world of enormous giants and deadly sea monsters. This is a tale about bravery, unlikely heroes and even more unlikely friendships.

  • Give brief summary of the plot but don’t give away too much!
  • Give your own opinion the book and some examples to support this.
    • For example, were the characters believable or likeable?
    • Did the author describe them well?
    • Was there anything you liked or disliked about the author’s writing style?
    • Did you like the way the author used interesting words or detailed descriptions to help you paint a picture in your head?
    • Was there a scene or chapter that really moved you? Why?

You could even include a couple of short quotes from the book to back up your answers!

  • Stars out of 5!

We are both really looking forward to reading these! 


Maths Activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on More addition and subtraction

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


Geography Activity 

Let's build on our learning about the tectonic plates of Planet Earth and learn about the different types of mountains.

Watch this video then complete the Mountain Quiz on your Purplemash 2dos.

You might like to research your answers to the quiz as you go.



Monday 8th June

English Activity

We have reached the very last chapter of our book, The Lost Myth of Mathos!

In Chapter 5, Mathos, Sariena and Pegasus were confronted by a herd of deadly, giant scorpions! Together, they managed to defeat the scorpions by leading them off a cliff edge. The giant, Chrysaor, who was briefly knocked unconscious, woke up but now he is really angry… 

Read Chapter 6. In this Chapter,Mathos, Sariena and Pegasus must now face the terrifying kraken, a sea monster the size of a mountain! 

Now test your knowledge using the online quiz! I look forward to seeing how you get on. 


Maths Activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on More Written Methods

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


History Activity 

Follow this link to research Death in Ancient Greece and then take the question quiz at the end of the slideshow. 

In your 2Dos on Purplemash, can you find the hidden words in the Developing Tray activity about Death in Ancient Greece? Use the pause button and slider to control the text.


Let's see what Year 5 got up to last week...