Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk6

Year 5 Wk6

Friday 15th May

English Activity 

 In your 2Dos on Purplemash, Complete the ‘George misbehaves’ activity on prefixes. Select the prefixes and place them in the sentences. You do not have to use all prefixes to pass the level.


Maths Activity - Angles! 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles 4 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


PSHE- Wellbeing/Science 

Let’s try some aquatic animal inspired yoga! 

Now, choose any one of the four animals which inspired our poses and draw a picture of it (turtle, crab, shark or starfish).

Then, follow this link to play some relaxing music and colour it in using the Zentangle method we practised at school! 

(follow this link if you need a quick reminder of Zentangle).

Thursday 14th May

English Activity 

Practice using expanded noun phrases for more descriptive writing using this Bitesize link. 

This lesson includes: one video to help you understand what expanded noun phrases are, one video to show you how writers use expanded noun phrases, three activities. 


Maths Activity - Angles 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles 3 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


French Activity 

Spend 10 minutes on Duolingo

Wednesday 13th May

Art activity

Look at how these artists have used the view from their window as inspiration for their artwork.

"The World Beyond" by Pierre Bonnard

Look at some of David Hockney's digital works here:

Now find a view from a window where you live and spend some time looking carefully at the view.

Take time to notice as much as you can.

Either draw your view, with whatever you have at home, or use the paint/drawing tools on Purple Mash.

Either save it there or send a photograph in to

so we can share it. Looking forward to seeing your work!


Music Activity

I loved hearing your ideas for Pop Stars last week, this week you are going to play with making a song for them. Make some music on 2Sequence that suits the description that you wrote, if they sing Pop music write Pop, or if they play Rock try Rock, then add some vocals.

This is a little tricky so I will talk you through it.

1 - Look for the box that say MySounds, at the bottom of 2Sequence.

2 - Click on the box with the + sign.

3 -Then press on the record box, which looks like a microphone.

4 - Press the red button here to record. If correct press done, if not try again.

5 - Then you get a microphone, add it to your song and hear yourself.

Have fun. I look forward to hearing them. If you press the green arrow on Purple Mash, you can hear me having a go at making a rock song. Great fun. ENJOY.


Computing Activity

This week is a chance to finish off your database. We would normally spend a few lessons in school completing these. There are already some great databases saved in the class folders so there is an extra challenge in this week's slides for those children.

Databases Lesson 4 slides here.


Tuesday 12th May 

P.E. activity 

P.E with Joe! You can join in live at 9:00am or catch it later. Follow the link below: 


English Activity 

In your 2Dos on Purple Mash complete ‘An incredible Journey’.

Yesterday, we read about Mathos’ incredible journey on the back of the winged horse, Pegasus. Imagine that you have just taken a ride on a magical animal.

  • What animal will it be?
  • Did it fly like Pegasus?
  • Maybe it ran faster than a car on a motorway.
  • What did you see on your travels?
  • Were you nervous or full of excitement?


Maths Activity - Angles

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles 2 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


Science Activity 

Complete the three short paint activities on Purple Mash in your 2Dos.

You will be asked to shade three 3D shapes - firstly to show which parts of the shape would be in shadow, and secondly, to show what shaped shadow it would project on the ground. Good luck!

Monday 11th May

English Activity

Chapter 2 The Lost Myth of Mathos

In Chapter 1, we met Mathos, a slave and stable boy. When a terrible storm hit his small town, Mathos noticed something unexpected outside his window. It was Perseus, back from a great adventure, and his beautiful winged horse, Pegasus.

In your 2Dos on Purple Mash, read Chapter 2 of The Lost Myth of Mathos and then test your knowledge using the online quiz!

In this chapter Mathos takes a big risk. But will it be worth it?


Maths Activity - Angles 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles 1 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 


Science Activity 

Go to your 'Sources of Light' 2Do on Purple Mash. Watch the video with Professor Gubbins then complete the task explaining which items are sources of light and how you know.

Remember, a light source creates its own light, it does not just reflect light created by something else.

Last week's learning

Look at how we got on with last week's learning.