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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk5

Year 5

FRIDAY 8th May

Today is May Bank Holiday. We have this holiday to celebrate May Day. It is an ancient festival of Spring and a current traditional spring holiday across Europe. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities.

This year many people will be celebrating the anniversary of the ending of World War 2 in Europe. It ended 75 years ago today, on 8th May 1945.

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 7th May

English Activity

In your 2Dos on Purple Mash, complete the Magic School grammar activity on relative clauses. Now write 3 relative clauses of your own in your jotter.

e.g. Miss Frame, who really missed the Year 5 children, knew that everything would be okay in the end.


Maths Activity - Negative Numbers

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Negative numbers in context

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


French Activity

Spend 10 minutes on Duolingo. 

Wednesday 6th May

Art activity

You will have seen lots of rainbows used as symbols of thanks recently.

Other artists have used the symbol too. Look at these illustrations by Quentin Blake and see if you can think of other ways that a rainbow could be used.

You might want to draw this digitally on Purple Mash or colour or paint your designs.

Non-digital version can be photographed and emailed to the office We will then choose some to send to the AMEX Stadium to display at their Testing Centre.


Music activity

Check out Purple Mash for this week's Music 2Dos from Mr Hornby.

Computing activity

This week we're going to make our own database! There's lots to do so you might want to finish it next week.

Click here for the lesson slides (you might want to download them so that you can view the slides whilst accessing Purple Mash.)

Tuesday 5th May

P.E activity

P.E with Joe! You can join in live at 9:00am or catch it later. Follow the link below:



English Activity  

In Chapter 1 of The Lost Myth of Mathos there was a torrential storm. Use the template in your 2Dos on Purple Mash to write a list of all the sights & sounds that you experience in a storm.
Can you think of some similes or metaphors to describe the thunder, rain or lightning? Use your ideas to write a poem about a storm.


Maths Activity - Negative Numbers 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Negative Numbers 1 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.

Science Activity

This is a tricky one! Using everything you've learnt from yesterday's science, paint where you think the shadow of the ball would be. Look closely at the position of the ball, the light source and also the light rays heading past the sides of the balls.

Remember, light travels in straight lines in air - it will not bend around the ball!

Complete this paint activity on Purple Mash.

Monday 4th May

English Activity

Over the next few weeks, we will be reading The Lost Myth of Mathos. In your 2Dos on Purple Mash, read Chapter 1 and then test your knowledge using the online quiz.

In this chapter, we meet Mathos, a slave and stable boy. When a great storm hits the small town, Mathos notices something unexpected outside his window…

Bonus challenge:

Answer the following questions in your jotter:

  1. How did Perseus arrive at the villa?
  2. Find and copy two phrases that suggest that the stable boy does not like being watched.
  3. Between the dark curtains of rain, we caught glimpses of our fishing boats getting tossed about on foaming waves out in the bay. What does the author mean by the phrase ‘dark curtains of rain’?
  4. A small crowd had begun to form, totally disregarding the rain, pointing and gasping. Why did these people not seem to notice how wet they were getting?
  5. It was unusual for Sariena and the stable boy to talk to each other. Explain why it might be difficult for them to become

Maths Activity - Negative Numbers 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Introducing negative numbers 

Now complete the online homework here. 

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


Science Activity 

Watch this video Seymour Science on Light then all three of the very short video clips here.
Afterwards, complete the 'How light travels' activity that you have been set on Purple Mash.
You can also have fun with some simple experiments by following the instructions in the following link.
You don't need all the equipment listed, you can be creative to find alternatives but just make sure you don't shine any light into anyone's eyes as this can be dangerous. 

Last Week

Let's see how you got on with last week's learning.