Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk3

Year 5 Wk3

Friday 24th April


English Activity  

Today, you will create the main character for your space story. Draw a picture of them in your jotter and label it.  Remember to think carefully about what their personality is like and not just what they look like.

Challenge: Draw a picture of another character from your story and think about how their personality will be different from that of your main character. How will their personalities come through in your story? For example, in The Blue Planet, Hulda is braver and more outspoken than Brimir. Sometimes this gets them into trouble.


Maths activity

 Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Time Conversions 2

 Now complete the online homework here.

 Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


French activity

 Spend 10mins practising on your Duolingo account. Which section are you up to now?

Thursday 23rd April

English activity

Look at your plan from yesterday and decide where your story is set. This could be a barren wasteland where nothing grows, a beautiful world like ours, a dark gloomy woods etc.

Watch 'Pandora' for some setting inspiration:

From the list below, choose 5 or 6 sentences to help structure your setting description. Then write these as a paragraph in your jotter.

  • This sentence is two words long e.g. Stars glistened.
  • This sentence is three words long e.g. Nothing could survive.
  • This sentence contains an expanded noun phrase.
  • This sentence starts with a fronted adverbial.
  • This sentence contains a coordinating conjunction (but, so, and).
  • This sentence contains commas, brackets or dashes for parenthesis. 
  • This sentence contains a subordinating conjunction (although, since, because etc.)
  • This sentence is a rhetorical question. 
  • This sentence starts with a verb (ing/ed ending).
  • This sentence starts with a prepositional phrase (explaining where e.g. In the dark/ Under the shade of the towering trees).
  • This sentence contains a modal verb (must, may, might, will, should etc.)
  • This sentence includes a simile.
  • This sentence includes personification e.g. The trees whispered and waved their leaves enthusiastically.
  • This sentence contains a relative clause, starting with a relative pronoun (who, that, which). 


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Time Conversions 1

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practice your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


Geography Activity

In  your ToDos on Purple Mash, complete the quiz on European Countries, then the quiz on European Capital Cities. Finally watch this youtube video for an introduction to Ancient Greece.

Wednesday 22nd April

Art activity

Take a look at Jon Burgerman’s You tube channel “Its great to create’ As well as his website, you can now look at online tutorials which show how Jon creates his doodles and characters.

Can you come up with your own characters? Start off with Doodles and see what they turn into. Try to develop their characters with names, clothing, hobbies etc. Use whatever pens or pencils you already have at home. If you can keep all your drawing together (in a sketchbook or clipped together) then we can share all your work when we’re back together again.

Computing activity

This half term we will be exploring databases - how they work and how to search them to find exactly what information we are looking for. 

Click here for the lesson slides (you might want to download them so that you can view the slides whilst accessing Purple Mash.)

There are two 2Do quizzes set today. You will need to go through the lesson slides before you attempt the quizzes!

Happy searching!


Music activity

This week's music learning is about melody. Melody is the tune of a song.
Check out your 2Dos on Purple Mash and click on "2Do: Melody"
There's an example melody there. Notice that the spaces in the grid help the tune to sound right. Can you begin again and copy the melody of a simple song or nursery rhyme?
Bells and Chimes work well. Maybe someone else at home could help you?
Challenge: Can you add some drums?
Tuesday 21st April
English activity

Use these story mountain headings as a basis for your own space story plan:  

  • Opening
  • Build Up
  • Problem
  • More Problems
  • Ending/ Solution  

Make notes on each section.

A few possible ideas to get you started:

  • Use Planet Unknown (our short film from yesterday) as inspiration for your own story. You could tell the story of what happens next, replace the Space Rovers with humans, create a different mission or problem… it’s up to you!
  • Tell a story that is similar to The Blue Planet (our book from guided reading) about an alternative world inhabited only by children, where everything is perfect, until…

Or come up with your own idea. You will write each section next week. 


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Time and Timetables

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


French activity

Spend 10mins practising on your Duolingo account. Which section are you up to?

Monday 20th April


English activity

Our project is to write a space themed story.

Watch ‘Planet Unknown’ for some inspiration. The film tells the story of two Space Rovers, sent to discover a possible new home for mankind. Whilst there, they have a very important mission to complete.

Watch carefully and answer the following questions in your jotter:

  • What are the Space Rovers trying to find out about the planet?
  • What do you think the red or green light means on the seed machines?
  • What happens on ‘Planet Unknown’ which threatens to put an end to the Space Rover’s mission?
  • What do you think will happen next?

 Need more inspiration? Follow this link to watch ‘Invasions’ - A story about a seemingly harmless blue alien who crash lands on planet Earth. 


 Maths activity

 Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Time Calculations

 Now complete the online homework here.

 Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


History Activity  

Summer Term in Year 5 is time for our 'Gifts, Games & Gods" topic that explores the ancient civilisation of the people who lived in the area that we now call Greece.

Watch this Horrible Histories video for an introduction to the crazy world of Ancient Greece!