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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk13

Year 5 Wk13

Friday 10th July

English Activity 

Using your plan from Tuesday’s lesson, write the following four paragraphs of your information text. Include as many facts about your creature as possible and don’t forget to use lots of exciting descriptive language.

  • Habitat (Where does your creature live?)
  • Appearance (What does your creature look like?)
  • Diet (What does your creature eat?)
  • Warning or advice (Is your creature dangerous or friendly? What warnings or advice do you have for the reader in the event that they should come across this ancient being?)


Maths Activity - Translation 

Follow this link and click ‘Summer Term – Week 11 (w/c 6th July)’ watch ‘Lesson 4- Translation’ 

Click here for the related worksheet.

Click here for the answers.


Click here to complete yesterday’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson (9nd July). 


PSHE- All Equal, All Different

Follow this link to watch ‘Lets’ Talk About Race’ by Julius Lester 

  • What do you think is the message of this story?
  • Why do we need to recognise what is the same about each other?
  • Why is it important to be able to talk positively about our differences?


Show the racism red card
Follow this link to watch this short film and find out what these footballers thinking about standing up to racism.

Click here to watch this Newsround video and hear some answers to children’s questions about racism.



Thursday 9th July

English Activity

Today you will write the opening section for your information text. 

This will be short paragraph which introduces your creature and gets the reader interested in finding out more.

Why not magpie from the example below?

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to encounter a beast as terrifying as those which ruled the lands of ancient Greece? Few people realise that the terrifying, fire-breathing Chimera is not just a creature children read about in mythological stories. They are real! Read on to find out everything you need to know about this fiery, serpent-tailed monster.

 Draw a picture of your creature in your jotter.


Maths Activity - Reflections 

Follow this link and click ‘Summer Term – Week 11 (w/c 6th July)’ watch ‘Lesson 3- Reflections.’ 

Click here for the related worksheet.

Click here for the answers.

Click here to complete yesterday’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson (8th July). 


French Activity 

Spend 15 minutes on Duolingo.



Wednesday 8th July

Art activity 

Taking last week's Stik people, this week’s learning is going to make your people move, using stop frame animation.

You can explore this in two ways; either using this website


or using the 2Animate Programme on Purple Mash. Find it in Tools > Art & Design section.

There is a really helpful video to show you the basic tools on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Choose a background or make your own from this icon

And a really good way to make your animation run smoothly is to use the ‘onion skin’ tool which lets you see where the previous frames drawing is and copy over that and make small changes to your figures movement.

I have saved a rainbow background if any of you want to use that.

It would be great to see your figures dance, run, jump for joy or if any of you want a challenge, can you add sound to make them speak?

Don’t forget to save your work…. Enjoy!


Music activity


I have been loving your work on busy beats, you have produced some great compositions and I have been setting you some tricky tasks.

This week is a little freer, rather than following instructions, this week you are going to compose a piece of music that sounds like summer.

Can you get Ice Cream van chimes in, sounds that sound like waves or seagulls?

What do you hear?

How does the sunshine make you feel?

Think of all the skills we have learnt, recording melodies, creating interesting rhythms with doors, altering the volumes of samples.

Have fun! Mr Hornby.

Special Challenge:

Can you use the microphone? It is hidden in the My Sounds section, and you record the same way as we did in 2Sequence...but getting it to play in Busy Beats is may need to hide it behind a door!



Tuesday 7th July

English Activity  

Today you will plan your non-fiction text (information text). The purpose of this piece of writing is to give the reader as much information as possible about your chosen creature. You will need to include lots of facts and not all of this information will be found online, so you will need to make up most of these details yourself. Be creative!

Make notes about each of these sections:

  • Habitat (Where does the creature live? You decide!)
  • Appearance (What does the creature look like?)
  • Diet (What does the creature eat?)
  • Warnings or advice (Is the creature dangerous or friendly? What warnings or advice do you have for the reader in the event that they should come across this ancient being?)


Maths Activity - Reasoning about 3D shapes 

Follow this link to watch the lesson. (Week 11 (w/c 6th July)’ watch ‘Lesson 2') 

Click here for the related worksheet.

Click here for the answers.

There is also today's BBC Bitesize lesson: Click here to complete today’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson (7th July). 

PSHE- Wellbeing 

Take a look at these Kindness Poems and choose the one you like the most:

What makes the poem unique? What do you like most about it?

Think about a moment when you experienced an act of kindness. This can be as trivial or significant as you want. Think about how it made you feel and why it is important to you.

Write your own kindness poem. It can be any length, but it must be about kindness. It doesn’t need to rhyme, or be written in any particular way – the most important thing is the kindness within the poem itself.

Watch this video to remind yourself about the different kinds of poems.



Monday 6th July

English Activity 
In our learning about the ancient Greeks, we have discovered many mythological creatures (Pegasus, the Kraken, Medusa etc.). This week, we are going to be imagining that one of these creatures actually exists and creating a piece of writing that tells our readers all about it.

Let’s learn about some other creatures from Greek Mythology:

"Monsters and Sirens"

(scroll to the bottom to listen to this page read aloud) 


Listen to this information text to give you a better understanding of the non-fiction style of writing we will be using.

As you listen, have a think about which creature you will write about this week.


Maths Activity - Regular and irregular polygons 

Follow this link to watch the lesson. (Week 11 (w/c 6th July)’ watch ‘Lesson 1') 

Click here for the related worksheet.

Click here for the answers.

There is also today's BBC Bitesize lesson: Click here to complete today’s BBC Bitesize daily lesson (6th July). 



P.E with Joe! You can join in live at 9:00am or catch it later. Follow the link below: