Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk10

Year 5 Wk10

Friday 19th June

English Activity

Read your myth so far. How will you make improvements to your writing? Today we will write the final 3 sections of our myth using our plan from Tuesday’s lesson.

Section 3: Special objects

In this part of your story, your hero will be given a special object/ special objects which they will use to defeat the beast. Who gives them to him? Why?


Section 4: Your hero defeats the monster

This is an important part of the story so take your time describing the action in this section. How does the hero kill the monster? Describe the epic battle in detail. Will it be a close match? Will your hero almost be defeated? Will he trick the monster?


Section 5: Ending

Will your hero rescue somebody and perhaps fall in love? Will it be a happy ending or a sad ending? It’s up to you!


 Maths Activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Interpreting Remainders

Now complete the online homework here.


Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


PSHE- Wellbeing

Looking at the natural world can be good for our mental health. Watch live cameras of pandas or elephants and draw what you see!

If you are lucky enough to have a pet, spend 20 minutes playing together today. Can you teach your pet a new trick? If you do not have a pet, you can invite animals to your home by creating this simple bird feeder using items from around your home:


Thursday 18th June

English Activity

Today we will write the first 2 sections of our myth using our plan from Tuesday’s lesson.

For the first sentence of your story, choose a phrase (fronted adverbial) that tells the reader that the events took place a long, long time ago. Remember your story will begin by telling the reader that every 9 years, the people of Athens had no choice but to give seven girls and 7 boys to be fed to a menacing monster.


Section 1: A hero comes forward to kill the beast.

Who is he/she? Where did he/she come from? Why does he want to kill the beast?


Section 2: Your hero travels to the place where the monster lives.

Where does the monster live and how does he get there? A maze, a swamp, a lake, over the sea of signing serpents, across the hidden bay and in the mouth of a dark dark cave? What is the monster called? What does he/she look like? Is it half something and half something else? Remember to expand your noun phrases in your description.


Maths Activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Division Remainders

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


French Activity

Follow this link to practise the French greetings:

Now spend 10 minutes on Duolingo.


Wednesday 17th June

Art activity

Take a look at this artists Lockdown art activities (Week 2 Ed Boxall)

The artist is Ed Boxall and he makes work based on imaginary characters that are a bit …. unusual!

Have a look here for details of some art activities that Ed is suggesting.

There are some other really lovely ideas for creative activities on this website

Another activity included there takes Dr Seuss characters and nonsense poems as its starting point, but you could come up with your own characters or adapt a favourite character from a book, film or even a sporting hero perhaps.

My latest sporting hero is Marcus Rashford.

Have fun! Ms Cullen 


Music activity

Back to Busy Beats this week. I loved hearing your first attempts at using the program, so let’s get to know the program better.

So when you first open the 2do, press on Launch Help Videos box below the pictures.

Watch the two sections on Rhythm, Rhythm 1 and Rhythm 2. When you have watched them, click on the cross and chose an empty beat.

Create a beat that has

1) A tempo of 108 b.p.m.

2) Uses 2 doors.

See how interesting you can make your beat, play with the position of the ripplers, remember any feedback I gave you last week. Have fun add music or concentrate on the beat. Achievement awards will be given if you follow the numbered instructions above.

If you want to watch more help videos you find them in the top right corner of the screen, next to the red arrow.

Have fun! Mr Hornby


French activity - Tongue Twister of the Week

How many times can you quickly say this phrase before making a mistake?


  1. Use this short clip to help you with the pronunciation
  2. Practise as many times as you can with the clip, then keep practising until you feel confident!
  3. Please send a video/audio file of you having a go at this tongue twister to 

TASK 2: Log onto Duolingo using your username and password, and complete the lesson on Beginner Skills - People.


Tuesday 16th June

English activity 

Yesterday we watched this animation of Theseus and the Minotaur and designed our hero and monster characters.

Today we will plan our own myth based on "Theseus and the Minotaur". I have written a basic story outline and would like you to make notes in each of the 5 sections. Your story will begin by telling the reader that every 9 years, the people of Athens have to give seven girls and 7 boys to be fed to a monster…

Section 1: A hero comes forward to kill the beast…

  • My Hero: Who is he/she? Where did he/she come from? Why does he want to kill the beast?

Section 2: Hero travels to the place where the monster lives…

  • My Monster: Where does the monster live? A maze, a swamp, a lake, over the sea of signing serpents, across the hidden bay and in the mouth of a dark dark cave? What was the monster called? It was half something and half something else? Note down lots of words you will use to describe the horrifying beast.

Section 3: Hero is given special objects which they will use to defeat the beast…

  • Special objects: What special objects does the hero need to kill the beast? Who gives them to him? Why?

Section 4: Hero uses special objects to kill the monster…

  • How does the hero kill the monster? Note down details of this epic battle. Will it be a close match? Will your hero almost be defeated? Will he trick the monster?

Section 5: Ending.

  • How does the myth end? Will your hero rescue somebody and perhaps fall in love? Will it be a happy ending or a sad ending? It’s up to you!


Maths activity 

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Short Division

Now complete the online homework here.


P.E. activity

Let’s get moving! Check out Kinicky Knacky Knocky Knoo and learn the moves!

Alternatively,  try this yoga class!


Monday 15th June

English Activity

Our English project this week is to write an Ancient Greek myth.

The ancient Greeks told many stories about the struggle between good and evil characters. The stories, or myths, were often based around a fight between a hero and a monster. In our story The Lost Myth of Mathos, our heroes, Mathos and Sariena, defeated the evil kraken, a giant octopus monster, by turning it to stone with Medusa’s severed head.


This week we will be planning and writing our own myths involving a hero and a monster, following the structure of one of the best known Ancient Greek myths, Theseus and the Minotaur. Watch this animation of Theseus and the Minotaur


In your jotter, draw a picture of a monster and hero character that you will use in your story this week.

As you design each character, think about:

Your monster:

  • What is he/she called? Is it half of one animal and half of another? .e.g. half lion, half dragon
  • Why is the monster so terrifying?
  • Where does the monster live?

Your hero:

  • Who is your hero and where have they come from?
  • What are they called?
  • What do they look like?
  • Why do they want to kill the beast?

Underneath each picture write 6 interesting adjectives to describe each one. Use this online thesaurus to level up your words:


Maths Activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Mental Division

Now complete the online homework here.



PSHE Activity - All Equal All Different: Anti–racism

Follow this link to watch 'Tusk Tusk' by David Mc Kee/ Read by Teacher, Jaki 

  • What are your first thoughts about the story?
  • What puzzled or interested you?
  • What happened at the beginning, middle and the end?


Task 1: Mind map- Big ideas

In your jotter draw a circle and write ‘Big ideas’ in the middle. Around the outside write down as many words as you can think of which summarise the big ideas, issues or themes within this story e.g. discrimination, peace, hate, love etc.


Task 2: Enquiry questions

Take a look at the enquiry questions below. Choose one and write any thoughts you have in your jotter.

  • Should people make assumptions based on how others look or how they are different?
  • Is it fair to make judgements based on the colour of someone’s skin?
  • Should we like or dislike someone because of how they look?

At the end of the book the grey elephants begin to judge each other on whether they have little and big ears.

If you were to continue to write this story, what would you write?