Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 5 Week Grid
  4. Year 5 Wk1

Year 5


Friday 28th March
English activity - Modal verbs

Now write three sentences of your own which include modal verbs.

Challenge: Can your sentences also include a relative clause beginning with who or that? (e.g. The boy, who could swim quite well,  would be late for his lesson if he did not hurry.)

Maths activity

Return to any of your MyMaths activities from this week that you think you can improve your score on.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.
Thursday 26th March
English activity - Modal Verbs

What are modal verbs? Follow this link to find out.

Watch the video then scroll down to complete the quiz. 

Now play Dragon Bite to test your understanding of modal verbs.


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles 4.

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practise your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


Art activity - Volcano

Paint a picture of an erupting volcano on Purple Mash using "2Paint A Picture" in the Tools section.

When you're finished, use the purple menu (top left) and select "Share". Choose the "Y5 Volcano" Display Board to share your work with the rest of the Year Group.

Wednesday 25th March

English activity - Personification

Go to and write a short text in your jotter inspired by the picture called 'Magic'. It could be a short story, a poem, a diary entry, news report, whatever! Try to include personification somewhere in your writing.

Need a reminder on personification? Here is a link to a video that might help


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on Angles (3)

Now complete the online homework here.

Alternatively, practice your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


Topic activity

Spend 10mins on Duolingo

Tuesday 24th March


English activity - Personification

Find objects around your home (or objects from your imagination) and write a sentence in your jotter for each one using personification (e.g. 'The curtains guarded each side of the window.'). You can use the following verbs that people do, or think of your own. Verbs: looked, gaped, danced, sang, kicked, held, crept, stretched, hummed, bowed...

Here is a link to a video that might help

Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on revising rounding to 10 and 100.

Now complete the online homework here.


Geography activity - Volcano Fact File

Revise our learning in Geography by completing the Volcano Fact File 2Do on Purple Mash

Watch 'The Dr Binocs Show' to remind you of the key information

Then take the quizzes to test your understanding

  • Layers of the Earth
  • Volcano
Monday 23rd March
Free Writing activity
Begin a diary that you can write a short entry in each day, a place to record your activities, thoughts and feelings 

English activity - Personification

Personification gives an animal or object qualities or abilities that only a human can have. e.g. "The sun smiled at us."

Write a personification poem about an erupting volcano

Here is a link to a video that might help

Challenge: Which other poetic devices can you include? Simile? Onomatopoeia? Repetition? Alliteration?


Maths activity

Watch and join in with the MyMaths lesson on extending your counting skills up to 1,000,000

Now complete the online homework here.



Spend 10 minutes on Duolingo