Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 6 Week Grid
  4. Year 6 Wk8

Year 6 Wk8

‘Virtual’ Sussex School Games is an exciting programme of sport competition running throughout the summer term, giving children the chance to represent their school team, alongside their friends and family, to be crowned Sussex champions.

What it’s about, how it all works, and how to get involved, can be found by clicking here.

Friday 5th June 2020

English Activity - Time Capsule – a project for the week

A time capsule is a container or virtual space where we store objects and evidence that tells us what the current time is like. This can be used in the future to help us understand the past.

Keep a diary for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week to record your lockdown experiences over that time. You can record your diary entries however you would like to. Are there things that you do each day or is each day different? There are some suggestions listed below, but feel free to do this however you would like to.

Video Diary or Blog (you could use 2Blog on Purple Mash)

Written diary in your jotter (you could use 2Create a story on Purple Mash)

  • Art work
  • Photographs
  • Poems
  • Songs
  • Mind Maps
  • Cartoon strips (you could use 2animate on Purple Mash)
  • Collect objects in a shoe box that signify part of your day each day.

The more creative the better! You could mix it up and record your entry in a different format each day. Remember, you can keep it going for more days if you wish.

Submit any parts you have used Purple Mash for and I’ll take a look!


Maths Activity - Problem Solving

We are continuing to use the White Rose materials for our maths learning. Today, you need to watch this video and then complete this worksheet...

Print this off if you're able to, otherwise write down the answers to the questions in your jotter. If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question. Check your work against the answers here...


PSHE Activity

It is important to ‘check in’ with friends and family and to be kind to each other, as always, but particularly during these different times. Message a friend or family member that you haven’t contacted for a while. Ask them how they are.



Thursday 4th June 2020

English Activity - Time Capsule – a project for the week

A time capsule is a container or virtual space where we store objects and evidence that tells us what the current time is like. This can be used in the future to help us understand the past.

Keep a diary for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week to record your lockdown experiences over that time. You can record your diary entries however you would like to. Are there things that you do each day or is each day different? There are some suggestions listed below, but feel free to do this however you would like to.

Video Diary or Blog (you could use 2Blog on Purple Mash)

Written diary in your jotter (you could use 2Create a story on Purple Mash)

  • Art work
  • Photographs
  • Poems
  • Songs
  • Mind Maps
  • Cartoon strips (you could use 2animate on Purple Mash)
  • Collect objects in a shoe box that signify part of your day each day.

The more creative the better! You could mix it up and record your entry in a different format each day. Please keep it going for more days if you wish.


Maths Activity - Problem Solving

We are continuing to use the White Rose materials for our maths learning. Today, you need to watch this video and then complete this worksheet...

Print this off if you're able to, otherwise write down the answers to the questions in your jotter. If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question. Check your work against the answers here...

We have also assigned you an alternative on MyMaths if you are finding it tricky to copy out the worksheet. You may find the work harder though as it does not match perfectly with the learning from the video. My Maths Work


Geography Activity – Natural Resources

Use this link to BBC Bitesize for this task. Learn about natural resources. Watch the animation, then the short film. Next complete one or both of the short activities. Activity two, complete in your jotter.




Wednesday 3rd June

Art activity - Mandalas

You might have seen or coloured in these mandala patterns. They originally come from India and 'mandala' means ‘circle’ in Sanskrit language. They are really relaxing and almost meditative thing to do- a bit like doodling with patterns in a circle.

You could either draw or paint them on paper, doodle them on stones, chalk them on pavements or wall, or face paint ‘tattoo’ them. You could make them in sand, soil, rice or any other materials you can find at home. You could draw around circular objects or go freehand.

There is a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash, if you’d like to work digitally.

The first example was done by a Y4 child who started with a tiny dot, then ‘grew’ the pattern

There are no rules but this might be helpful for some of you to work with or adapt.

Start in the middle of the page by drawing a pattern, object or symbol that represents you. Draw a pattern around this- see how many different lines you can use. Draw more sections or ‘petals’ and fill them with patterns or things that are important to you.

Keep on growing the mandala design. It’s the kind of thing you can return to and add to. See where it takes you!

Music activity

This week we are going to concentrate on using the microphone again, as we write a school song.

Think about what you really enjoy about being at school, time with your friends, your favourite teachers and subjects and think about our Golden Values, as you write and record your vocals. 

You can write music too but the main focus will be on the vocals and the words. You can even use the microphone to record any instruments you have at home at home.  

1 - Look for the box that say MySounds, at the bottom of 2 Sequence.  

Click on the box with the + sign.  

3 -Then press on the record box, which looks like a microphone.  

4 - Press the red button here to record. If correct press done, if not try again.  

5 - Then you get a microphone, add it to your song and hear yourself. 

6  -Make sure that you put the microphone on a track of its own, so that you can hear it and that the song is set on a long enough loop for you to hear it. 

Have fun. I look forward to hearing them. I will use the best ones to try and make another song like I did with your Pop Song work.  



French activity

Joyeux juin tout le monde ! I hope you are all doing well, and are feeling safe and happy.

Félicitations to all of you who have been doing so well with the Duolingo challenge – bon continuation!

Also, well done to those of you who have submitted your completed Paris brochures – formidable!

This week’s extra French task is to play a game in French, with someone at home, using the names of the French colours you have learnt. Here goes ...


  1. You will need at least two people to play
  2. Decide together who is going to start
  3. Revise and practice your colours in French – you could use this video clip to help:
  4. Listen to this sound-file to hear the pronunciation of "Mon petit oeil voit quelque chose qui est..."
  5. Take some time to repeat listening to and saying the phrase.
  6. The person that is chosen to start the game, will provide a description of any object in French starting with the phrase "Mon petit oeil voit quelque chose qui est..." and adding the colour of that object in French. For example "Mon petit oeil voit quelque chose qui est rouge et noir" if you were were trying to get the other people playing to guess a ladybird
  7. The remaining players will take turns trying to guess what is being described
  8. The player who guesses correctly will continue the game by giving the next description of something s/he spies. 

Have fun!


Tuesday 2nd June 2020

English Activity - Time Capsule – a project for the week

A time capsule is a container or virtual space where we store objects and evidence that tells us what the current time is like. This can be used in the future to help us understand the past.

Keep a diary for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week to record your lockdown experiences over that time. You can record your diary entries however you would like to. Are there things that you do each day or is each day different? There are some suggestions listed below, but feel free to do this however you would like to.

Video Diary or Blog (you could use 2Blog on Purple Mash)

Written diary in your jotter (you could use 2Create a story on Purple Mash)

  • Art work
  • Photographs
  • Poems
  • Songs
  • Mind Maps
  • Cartoon strips (you could use 2animate on Purple Mash)
  • Collect objects in a shoe box that signify part of your day each day.

The more creative the better! You could mix it up and record your entry in a different format each day. Please keep it going for more days if you wish.


Maths Activity - Angles in regular polygons

We are continuing to use the White Rose materials for our maths learning. Today, you need to watch this video and then complete this worksheet...

Print this off if you're able to, otherwise write down the answers to the questions in your jotter. If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question. Check your work against the answers here...

We have also assigned you an alternative on MyMaths if you are finding it tricky to copy out the worksheet. You may find the work harder though as it does not match perfectly with the learning from the video. My Maths Work


Science/Design & Technology Activity

Use this link to the BBC Bitesize activity on Extreme designs. Read the information, watch the two video clips. You may like to try either activity 1 or 2 underneath if you have the resources needed.



Monday 1st June

English Activity - Time Capsule – a project for the week

A time capsule is a container or virtual space where we store objects and evidence that tells us what the current time is like. This can be used in the future to help us understand the past.

Keep a diary for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week to record your lockdown experiences over that time. You can record your diary entries however you would like to. Are there things that you do each day or is each day different? There are some suggestions listed below, but feel free to do this however you would like to.

Video Diary or Blog (you could use 2Blog on Purple Mash)

Written diary in your jotter (you could use 2Create a story on Purple Mash)

  • Art work
  • Photographs
  • Poems
  • Songs
  • Mind Maps
  • Cartoon strips (you could use 2animate on Purple Mash)
  • Collect objects in a shoe box that signify part of your day each day.

The more creative the better! You could mix it up and record your entry in a different format each day. Please keep it going for more days if you wish.


Maths Activity – Angles In Special Quadrilaterals

We are continuing to use the White Rose materials for our maths learning. Today, you need to watch this video and then complete this worksheet...

Print this off if you're able to, otherwise write down the answers to the questions in your jotter. If the question requires you to draw part of the question, then do your best to draw the part you need to. If a question requires you to use equipment you don’t have, then you may leave that question. Check your work against the answers here...

We have also assigned you an alternative on MyMaths if you are finding it tricky to copy out the worksheet. You may find the work harder though as it does not match perfectly with the learning from the video. My Maths Work


History Activity – Who was Henry VIII?

Use this BBC Bitesize link for this. There are three videos to watch and then two short activities. There is a third one to do as well if you wish to.