Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk5



Week beginning 4th May 2020

Wow! Nursery we can’t believe how busy you have all been getting; we saw lots of amazing spiders that you made as well as some real life bugs you found in your gardens and on your walks; you are all real explorers!

Mrs Sutton and Mrs Fagan are really keen to hear how everyone is getting on and so will be dropping all of our nursery friends a phone call over the coming fortnight.

We will continue to learn about mini beasts this week and our focus is the well-known and much loved story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can head on over to Tapestry to hear Mrs Randall read it to you. Then have a go at helping Mrs Fagan sequence the story.

You can also watch the story Monkey Puzzle being read by Mrs Sutton, a perfect bedtime story!

After the Very Hungry Caterpillar eats all of the food he turns into a beautiful butterfly, covered in a rainbow of colours. Watch this video all about butterflies

Did you spot where the caterpillars go to turn into butterflies? What different colours and patterns did you see on their wings? Did you see the food they were eating? If we have some nice, warm sunny days you might spot a butterfly, they really like bright colourful flowers so keep a look out just in case!

Phonics play is currently offering all of its resources for free, see if you can guess the correct animal sound.

Can you try to count all the foods that the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate? You could use pieces of pasta to help you count (example on Tapestry)

  • On Monday he ate 1 apple
  • On Tuesday he ate 2 pears
  • On Wednesday he ate 3 plums
  • On Thursday he ate 4 strawberries
  • On Friday he ate 5 oranges

Super challenge questions!

How many pieces of fruit did he eat on Monday and Tuesday all together?

How many pieces of fruit did he eat on Thursday and Monday all together?

Can you try and count up how many pieces of fruit he ate all together?!

Our nursery friend Charlie gave us a fantastic idea to make a butterfly with hand prints. Head on over to Tapestry to see an example and have a go at making your own!

Sing along with Mrs Sutton to ‘The Ants go Marching’.


Please continue to share photos and videos of your child’s learning on tapestry so that we can celebrate their achievements and give ideas on next step learning.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team