Learning together, inspiring each other

01273 094911

  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk3


We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break and ate lots of lots of chocolate! This first half of the summer term we will be learning about minibeasts; fingers crossed that the weather stays sunny so that we can go and do some exploring!

This week’s focus is Julia Donaldson’s story Superworm
Superworm is super long, Superworm is super strong! If you have a copy of this story at home then ask an adult to read it with you, otherwise you could watch it being read here

Did you know that gardeners love worms! Worms eat up old scraps of food and turn them into compost for the plants. Some people even keep them as pets, feeding them on kitchen scraps just so the worms can make them lots of lovely compost for their gardens. Can you find a worm in your garden or the local park. What colour is it? How does it move? You could even watch worms at work by making a worm farm in a jar, you can find a ‘how to’ guide here.


Can you spot the rhyming words in Superworm? Go to and play ‘Which Animal?’

You can find it by going to:

Age 3-4> Literacy, Communication and Language> Phonics Programme> Phase 1 Sound Discrimination> Robert Robot

Login details

Username: Home2088

Password: Plane5936


Cooked spaghetti (or noodles) looks a bit like a wriggly worms! Can you ask an adult to make you some spaghetti and count how many pieces there are? Maybe when you have counted them all out, an adult could try taking 1 (2, 3, 4…) away, or adding one to see if you know the new total.


Can you try drawing your own Superworm? You can draw around your thumb just like I did to create his head, add a big smile and then a wriggly, wiggly body. Example on Tapestry.


Please share photos and videos of your child’s learning on Tapestry so that we can comment and give ideas on next step learning.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team