Learning together, inspiring each other

01273 094911

  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk2


We have really enjoyed seeing what you have been getting up to at home with your families. It was great to see lots of you getting outside in the sunshine and getting active! Remember to keep sharing pictures with us on Tapestry so that we can set you some exciting next steps!

There are a few very handy pieces of equipment that will be very useful to have at home, some paper, poster paint, kids scissors, a glue stick and colouring pens/pencils. It is also a great idea to collect magazines, newspapers and boxes for cutting and creating!

This week’s theme is baby animals
Last week we learnt that spring is a time that lots of new things grow, like flowers, leaves and blossoms and also baby animals are born. Can you look through the slides with someone at home and guess the baby animals?

You could also watch this episode of ‘Something Special’ all about Spring. Can you practise the sign for ‘Lamb’ with Justin?

In spring we usually have more sunshine. Can you look out of your window or go out into the garden and describe what the weather is like? Is it cold or warm? Is it windy or still? Can you see any clouds in the sky?

We are looking at animal sounds this week. Go to and play ‘Which Animal?’ You can find it by going to Nursery> Literacy, Communication and Language> Phonics Programme> Phase 1 Sound Discrimination> Which Animal?

Login details

Username: Home2088

Password: Plane5936

Ask a grown up to give you a bowl of dried pasta (or paperclips, pens, marbles) and practise counting out different amounts up to 10. You could start by just counting out 3 and work your way up to 10. For a little challenge, could you get some post -it notes or pieces of paper and write how many are in each group that you make?

Look outside your window, what kind of colours do you see in spring? If you have some paints at home, why not try covering some pieces of string with spring colours and see what interesting patterns you can make. You could even do it outside in the garden if it is nice and sunny! See this step by step guide for help!

Please share photos and videos of your child’s learning on tapestry so that we can comment and give ideas on next step learning.

Useful links

Please remember to keep enjoying story time with your child at home as it stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team