Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk9

Nursery Wk9

On-going learning tasks/activities

Reading: Nothing beats sitting and sharing a book with a child! We will leave boxes of books for each year group in the main entrance of the school. Please borrow and return from there.

We have our “Reading at Home” Leaflet for ideas to help.


Username: Home2088

Password: Plane5936



Week beginning 8th June 

It was lovely to see all of your amazing seaside explorations last week- you certainly all made the most of the lovely weather!

This week we will continue to explore our coast line by looking at rock pools. We will read the story Sharing a Shell over on Tapestry.


Rock pools are home to lots of different creatures who like warm shallow water. How many different creatures did you spot in the story Sharing a Shell?

Head over to Tapestry where we will introduce you to some of the animals that live in rock pools. You can then try making your own rock pool in a bucket of water!

If you can visit some real rock pools when the tide is out- then take a long a bucket and net to help your exploration.

This week we will focus on initial sounds.

What is the initial sound in your name?

Can you collect together some objects that have the same initial sounds?

Examples will be on Tapestry.


Fill a bucket with water and place some objects inside, for example small sea creature toys, plastic bugs, stones or anything that will sink! (If you made your own rock pool then you could use that!)

Use a net to see how many you can catch from the bucket.

Can you count as you go?

At the end maybe you could write your total. What happens to your total if you put 1 back? Can you now write your new total?

(If you don’t have a net you could use a sieve or a tea strainer!)


Have a go at creating your own recycled rock pool sculpture from household objects such as pasta, toilet rolls, cardboard, egg boxes, coffee filters etc… head over to Tapestry to see an example!


Please continue to share photos and videos of your child’s learning on tapestry so that we can celebrate their achievements and give ideas on next step learning.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team