Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk13

Nursery Wk13

On-going learning tasks/activities

Reading: Nothing beats sitting and sharing a book with a child! We will leave boxes of books for each year group in the main entrance of the school. Please borrow and return from there.

We have our “Reading at Home” Leaflet for ideas to help.


Username: Home2088

Password: Plane5936


Week beginning 6th July 2020

This week we will plan our teddy bears picnic to have at home with our family. Be sure to head over to Tapestry to watch this week’s story time with Mrs Sutton - "How to Catch a Star."


Who would you like to invite to your own teddy bears picnic?

Will you invite your brother or sister?

How about your favourite teddy bear?

Write or draw an invitation to tell them when it is happening and where it is happening!


Can you have a musical show and tell at your special picnic?

Invite your guests to perform short instrumental music for one another. Your guests are then asked to say what they liked about the music. You will need a selection of instruments or sound makers and some rehearsal time!


Watch this episode of Numberblocks and count along with 20!

Then help the teddy bears count to 20 using the visuals to help you.


What sandwiches will you have at your picnic? Have a go at making your own jam sandwich by following my instructions on Tapestry.


Have a go at Andy’s Wild Workout!


Please continue to share photos and videos of your child’s learning on tapestry so that we can celebrate their achievements and give ideas on next step learning.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team