Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Remote Learning
  3. Nursery Week Grid
  4. Nursery Wk10

Nursery Wk10

On-going learning tasks/activities

Reading: Nothing beats sitting and sharing a book with a child! We will leave boxes of books for each year group in the main entrance of the school. Please borrow and return from there.

We have our “Reading at Home” Leaflet for ideas to help.


Username: Home2088

Password: Plane5936


Week beginning 15th June 2020

It was so nice to speak to so many of you on the phone this week; it has made us so happy to hear all the exciting things that you have been up to at home!

This week we will become scientists and discover a bit more about the sea and oceans and we will read The Snail and the Whale over on Tapestry. We have also added in a new section to our home learning called Move where we will share some ideas for getting active!

Have you ever noticed that the sea tastes very salty? Head over to Tapestry to try the floating egg experiment and see how the salt can help you to float in the water!

A large part of Phase One phonics is to experience and appreciate rhythm and rhyme. Head over to Tapestry to play Listen to the Beat. You will need an instrument or just a pot and a wooden spoon!

Go to Busy things to play Topple the tower.

Once there select Nursery 2>Literacy, Communication and Language> Phonics Programme> Phase 1: Sound Discrimination> Rhythm and Rhyme> Topple the Tower


This episode is all about ordering numbers and trying to spot the missing number!

You can do this activity at home with unifix cubes if you have them. If not you could use some other small square objects as long as they are all the same size- for example some Duplo or Lego (See Tapestry for an example).

Place the numberblocks 1-5 in a feely bag (this could be their PE bag or even a plastic carrier!) and lay out 5 boxes for the numberblocks to be placed on. Can you try to use your mark making to identify which box belongs to which numberblock? Have a feel of the bag and identify the number block- can you place it on the correct box in the correct order?

Have a go at making your own frozen ocean out of shaving foam and some food colouring! Example on Tapestry.

If you feel in the mood for some dancing watch this funny rap by Andy all about underwater creatures!

Try this underwater yoga session; just copy the moves!

Please continue to share photos and videos of your child’s learning on tapestry so that we can celebrate their achievements and give ideas on next step learning.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Nursery Team