Learning together, inspiring each other

01273 094911

  1. COVID-19
  2. Remote Education
  3. 'Bubble' & Whole School Provision

'Bubble' & Whole School Provision - Steps 3 & 4

In the event of an entire ‘bubble’ / class / school having to self-isolate, the following provision will be put in place. The provision is different for each phase of the school and utilises a range of different online platforms.

In Nursery and Reception the main platform is Tapestry. Please ensure you have accepted your email invitation to use this app to receive and respond to learning activities.

In Years 1 to 6 the main platform is Google Classroom. Please check your child's password bookmark and the Google Classroom Guide included in your learning pack for details of how to sign in.

All pupils in Reception to Year 6 will receive hard copies of learning activities in a pack delivered to them to ensure that every pupil engages with their learning. The school’s online learning platforms enable teachers to provide additional support and challenge and the opportunity for more regular feedback.

The school will remain cognisant of families who do not have access to the resources required for remote education, and will ensure that an up-to-date record of which pupils do not have appropriate devices or internet access is maintained. Where possible the school will loan a laptop to families in need.

The school recognises that certain subjects are more difficult to teach remotely, e.g. music, sciences and physical education. Teachers will provide effective substitutes for in-person teaching such as video demonstrations. 

Pupils will be encouraged to take regular physical exercise to maintain fitness, and time will be allocated within the school week for pupils to focus on this.

Teachers will ensure lessons are inclusive for all pupils and can be adapted to account for the needs of disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND.

All provisions for remote learning will be subject to the class group’s age, ability and/or any SEND. The SENDCo will work with the class teachers to support provision of effective and accurately pitched learning for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

The school will deliver a “Remote Learning Pack” for two weeks of learning to pupils in YR to Y6. The folders will include the following:


Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

Pupil's Passwords Bookmark

Mathematics worksheets and answer sheets

Phonics/Spelling Booklet (should already be in pupil's bookbag)

Handwriting sheets

Additional learning tasks and activities will be presented via the Tapestry app

Daily timetable of lessons 

Pupil's Passwords Bookmark

Mathematics worksheets and answer sheets

Reading comprehension sheets

Phonics/Spelling Booklet (should already be in pupil's bookbag)

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling sheets

Handwriting sheets

Writing tasks

An A4 jotter to write in

Sheets detailing learning tasks for Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design & Technology

A guide to accessing Google Classroom

Additional support and feedback will be available via Google Classroom and Purple Mash

Daily timetable of lessons 

Pupil's Passwords Bookmark

Mathematics worksheets and answer sheets

Reading comprehension sheets

Phonics/Spelling Booklet (Y3/4) (should already be in pupil's bookbag)

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling sheets

Handwriting sheets

Writing tasks

An A4 jotter to write in

Sheets detailing learning tasks for Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design & Technology

CGP Revision books

A guide to accessing Google Classroom

Additional support and feedback will be available via Google Classroom and Purple Mash

 Class teachers will phone each pupil on Days 3 and 8 of each block of ten school days.

The pack will also include the following information regarding how learning will be recorded and how to check understanding in Key Stages 1 & 2.


Below are example timetables across a two week period. Foundation subjects such as History, Geography etc may differ depending on the term's topic as learning is organised across a whole year.