Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. SEN-D Provision

Special Educational Needs & Disability Provision

"Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities in key stage 2 are making good progress, and teachers provide individual support to accelerate learning for this group of pupils in key stage 1."

"Well-structured, carefully monitored individual education plans ensure that the needs of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities are met."

"Parents said that the help and support their children have received is 'second to none'."

[Ofsted, 2017]

Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator is Miss Alexis Carrington. She can be contacted via the school office.

We pride ourselves on the inclusive learning environment that we provide at our school.

Training is tailored to support the staff in developing their expertise in meeting the needs of both individuals and groups of children within our setting, ensuring that children are supported effectively through quality first teaching.

Click our SEN Local Offer document on the right to find out more about how we meet the needs of all learners, including those with special educational needs.

Click on our Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion Policy for information of how we plan for and ensure outstanding provision for children with special educational needs, disabilities and/ or emotional needs

Click on our SEN Information Report for this year's specific information of how we ensure our special needs pupils make good/outstanding progress.

Click on our Accessibility Plan for information on how we ensure that we can meet the needs of all learners, staff, parents/carers and visitors to our school and our plans to improve accessibility.